How To Help Your Child Overcome Fear At The Sight Of A Doctor

How To Help  Your Child  Overcome Fear At The Sight Of A Doctor
How To Help Your Child Overcome Fear At The Sight Of A Doctor

Many parents are faced with the problem that their child is afraid of people in white coats. And, of course, only the parents themselves can help the child overcome and overcome the fear at the sight of a doctor.

I'm not afraid of injections
I'm not afraid of injections

Kind doctor Aibolit

It is important that the baby has confidence in the attending physician, and this largely depends on the doctor's behavior, whether he is ready to talk with the child in a pleasant manner (after all, even a loud voice can scare the baby), whether he will be able to conduct an examination in a playful way, and get vaccinated. Choose an attentive and empathetic doctor whenever possible.

Keeping calm

The child always feels all the nuances of the mother's mood. Therefore, irritability, nervousness, fear of parents are immediately transmitted to the child: he feels weak and defenseless. Show your child that a visit to the doctor is a normal and common situation, such as going to the store. On the way to the clinic, have a lively conversation with the child, learn rhymes, make riddles, sing songs, and so on.

I will take you to the doctor

You should not give your child a “surprise” - to the last, keep the visit to the doctor a secret. If the baby finds out about him before the clinic, he may regard your silence as an alarming signal: since you hid the truth from him, then something terrible awaits him. Better explain in advance where and why you are going.

Let's play "hospital"

To remove a touch of drama from the situation and psychologically prepare the baby, you can demonstrate all the upcoming actions of the doctor on a doll, older sister or dad. To do this, it is useful to buy a doctor's toy set for your baby, consisting of a phonendoscope, a syringe, a pipette and a thermometer. Regular games of "doctor" will allow your child to overcome the fear of visiting a pediatrician.

With kindness and care

If a child admits that he is scared, one should not call him “a coward” (even jokingly) and call him “to be brave”. Better calm him down by explaining that nothing terrible will happen. And after the shock, injection or massage, hug and kiss the baby - all the troubles will be immediately forgotten.
