There are many people who do not dare to start a conversation with strangers, even if they want to. For example, a guy liked a girl. Or, on the contrary, the girl clearly liked the young man. It would seem, what is easier - to approach, to get acquainted / But "the legs do not carry", and the tongue seems to stick to the larynx. You want to speak, attract attention, and you can't bring yourself to do it. Fear covers: what if I run into a sharp refusal, find myself in an awkward position? How to overcome your fear of dating?

Step 1
If you are a shy, impressionable person, you really find it difficult to force yourself to violate someone else's personal space. The internet can be of great help here! Find yourself a few forums to your liking, become their regular participant. Chat in PMs with those members of the forum that you are interested in. Especially if they are of the opposite sex. This will prepare yourself for the next stage - the transition from virtual acquaintances to real ones.
Step 2
Use self-hypnosis. Repeat to yourself as often as possible: "If I talk to a stranger guy (or a stranger girl), nothing bad will happen." Try to convince yourself: if you start a conversation in a calm, polite tone, then they will most likely answer you in the same way, and not laugh or abruptly "move away."
Step 3
Try to put yourself more often in a situation where you want it or not, but you need to talk with strangers! Ask to explain the way to you (how to get to an institution or a local attraction, for example), check the price of the goods with the seller, the bus schedule with the ticket office, etc. Even if you are not going to buy anything or go somewhere at the moment. This is a kind of training. Don't neglect them.
Step 4
In no case do not torment yourself with the thoughts: "How do I look now?", "And what impression do I make?" They do not lead to anything good, they only increase your shyness. Instead, tell yourself, "I'm fine, okay."
Step 5
Some interesting hobby or hobby helps a lot. A person who feels like an expert, especially a master, in some business, involuntarily begins to feel self-confidence. For example, a quiet, shy girl embroiders beautifully. If she exhibits samples of her work on the forum of needlewomen, she will surely receive a lot of enthusiastic responses and praise. This will increase her self-esteem, which is very important for overcoming the fear of dating.
Step 6
If all else fails, then you can’t do without contacting a qualified psychologist.