How To Get In A Relationship With A Guy

How To Get In A Relationship With A Guy
How To Get In A Relationship With A Guy

Table of contents:


Every woman is probably familiar with the situation when he passes - the hero of your dreams and desires, and your heart is beating wildly, and your mind refuses to work. You are focused on only one thing - the desire to win his heart, his soul.

How to get in a relationship with a guy
How to get in a relationship with a guy


Step 1

First of all, you need to determine how dear the guy is to you. For what purpose will you seek it? For flirting and a short time or for a serious and strong relationship. You also need to assess whether the guy is worth your time on him.

Step 2

If you have decided on the goals and candidacy, then it's time to look at yourself from the outside. What are you? How can you attract your chosen one? Every woman should have something that will make her stand out from the crowd, a kind of "zest" that will make you irresistible. You must take good care of yourself and remain stylish and fashionable under all circumstances. You need to be cheerful, resourceful, mischievous, not ashamed of male attention and always smile. The latter is very attractive to men.

Step 3

When the dating stage has already passed, and you are satisfied with the conversation with each other, it's time for you to take the initiative in communication. Let the chosen one get used to you. Write him small messages every day with wishes of good morning or good night for 7-10 days, and then abruptly stop writing, explaining that you have some kind of problem with your phone. You will see - his reaction to your actions will not go unnoticed.

Step 4

So, you were able to tame him a little. But do not go too far, do not bother or impose on him. Let the man conquer him. After all, by nature all men are hunters, and they are not at all interested in “easy prey”. Let him look after you beautifully: let him give you flowers, invite you to restaurants or cultural events.

Step 5

After spending a certain amount of time with your chosen one, you should move away from him a little. Always be mysterious, unpredictable and mysterious to him. Let him never know completely about your intentions.

Step 6

So that a man does not doubt about his choice in your favor, surround yourself with a few fans. Let him think that his woman (that is, you) is of interest to other males.

Step 7

If you have strong feelings for your chosen one, do not show them to him, since he should fall in love with you, not you with him. Show him that you are a strong woman who needs to be loved. And only the worthy will be next to you.

Step 8

And finally, the last thing. If you want your man to be head over heels in love with you, then you should reveal your sexuality. The more you open yourself up, the more attractive you will look from the outside. And an attractive woman cannot but leave a mark on the soul of a man.
