A break with a loved one - bitterness, resentment and black emptiness fill the whole soul, it seems that all hopes and dreams are buried under the rubble of a failed life. But when you recover from the shock, you will realize that the guy leaving you is not the end of the world or even the end of your relationship. They can still be returned if you want it and try very hard. Pull yourself together and take action.

Step 1
Try to figure out where your boyfriend has gone. Your further strategy and tactics will depend on this. If you left for another girl, you will need to understand what it is about her that "hooked" your boyfriend, as well as what you lack in his eyes. If you just left "nowhere", it may be even more difficult for you to bring it back. But in any case, you have to work on yourself, on your character and behavior.
Step 2
The first thing you must understand is that it is useless to run away and sort things out right away, and even more so, beg him to return. Doing so will only irritate him and push him away even more. Restrain yourself and don't humiliate yourself. Having retained your dignity, you will subsequently be satisfied with yourself.
Step 3
Try to calm down. If possible, go to “cry in your vest” with another person - a close relative, friend, psychologist, or priest. Someone will be able to understand and regret you, calm you down a little and return some part of common sense so that you can reason and act soberly. If you are used to keeping all the troubles in yourself, find your inner reserves and pull yourself together.
Step 4
Remember what your young man talked about your relationship with him, because for sure there were such conversations or hints, only you did not attach importance to them. Try to analyze this at least now. Admit your mistakes. Once again, evaluate the possibility of building a joint future with this person. Maybe you are going to chase ghostly happiness? Wouldn't it be better for you if you don't rebuild your friendship?
Step 5
Understand that it is impossible to return the past, and you will not be able to fix something in your old relationship either. Therefore, when developing a plan for the return of a loved one, try to forget about what happened before. Start all over again.
Step 6
Look at yourself from the outside: how you look and how you behave with people. You will have to spend a lot of time returning to your former attractiveness and increasing your self-esteem. As long as you don't like yourself and those around you, avoid any date with your ex-boyfriend.
Step 7
Try to love yourself a little more. Do what you like. Give yourself pleasure more often - make pleasant purchases, go on vacation where you wanted, take care of your appearance, sign up for a club or sports section. Your life should be filled with joy.
Step 8
When you feel that you have changed internally and can calmly and abstractly think about the past, arrange a fleeting, "accidental" meeting with your former lover. On the one hand, you will understand whether you really want a renewal of the relationship, and on the other hand, you will feel from his reaction whether a new romance is possible.
Step 9
If a young man suddenly called himself, this is the first victory. Don't turn it into a new defeat. Be restrained and do not give the guy any promises to meet and, moreover, do not resume the old showdown.
Step 10
If you do meet with him, do not touch the previous relationship. Communicate as if you had no problem. The guy should feel that it is easy and pleasant to be with you, that you are new, unpredictable and desired.
Step 11
In the same case, if the guy could not be returned, draw conclusions on how to build a relationship with a future partner so that such fatal mistakes do not occur. You have every chance of being happy.