Why do you want to meet with someone and have a close relationship, but not with someone? A person can be nice, kind, and generous, positive from all sides, but if your heart is not disposed towards him, you are unlikely to feel happy next to him. But what is the right way to refuse him, so as not to offend him and make it clear that you and him will not have a joint future?

Step 1
First of all, it all depends on the degree of closeness of your relationship. If you have not met a guy yet and have not promised him anything, then the most correct style of behavior is to demonstrate complete indifference. Try to look detached in his presence and be sure to watch your body language. Do not turn in his direction, do not show your openness, do not look into his eyes and, moreover, do not touch him even accidentally, if you still have to talk.
Step 2
Your refusal must be categorical. Therefore - no smiles or jokes. Remember that if you are polite to keep a conversation with him, and for a young person this may already be a signal to continue contact.
Step 3
If you behave insecurely, your behavior can be viewed as simply price tagging or breaking. Therefore, the guy is likely to make an attempt to increase the pressure on you and triple his attempts to start courting you, because any member of the opposite sex is by nature a hunter.
Step 4
You should not be too aggressive, because you do not know this person yet and cannot imagine his response. If you don't want to get into trouble, it is better to try to refuse in a firm but polite manner.
Step 5
If you have already tried dating a guy a little and after a while realized that this is not yours, and you should end this relationship, the line of behavior is built differently. First, it is best if you are honest and straightforward. Why lead a worthy person by the nose, who, like you, can happily arrange his fate? Tell him honestly that you are very sorry for what you are saying, but you cannot act otherwise, that he is a nice guy, but you cannot order feelings. Speak in such a way that he has no hope that in the future the renewal of your relationship is possible. Invite him to remain a friend. It is unlikely that he will immediately agree. But when some time passes, the acute feeling of resentment will go away, and he realizes the fact of the breakup, friendly relations are quite possible.
Step 6
In a difficult conversation, a sense of humor can help. Turn the situation so that your boyfriend is not offended, but laughs. He, of course, will be upset, but there will certainly be less unpleasant sediment in his soul.
Step 7
It is especially difficult to talk to a touchy, proud and persistent admirer. Therefore, you better think about the words you are about to say in advance. You should not start a conversation if you are annoyed and cannot control yourself. And, of course, during a conversation you should not feel sorry for the fan or respond to his provocations. Be firm, sincere, and straightforward. In the future, the guy will appreciate it.
Step 8
Have the young man leave you on his own. There are several ways to make this possible. First, debunk yourself in his eyes. If you know what he values you for, try to make it clear that you are not. Second, be too annoying. Pester him for any reason. Show too much attention and try to control every minute of his life. Third, check it for "lice". Show that you have a lot of problems in life, from moral to material, and that you expect to "resolve" them with his help. In addition, if you understand that the person in front of you is not very serious, you can “finish off” him with your matrimonial plans. Hint that you expect him to apply to the registry office right now.