Each new generation considers young people more lazy, selfish and worthless than their fathers and grandfathers. These are quite common ideas about the life of young people, when they do not coincide with the ideals of the older generation. Yet children do change, and the values of the whole world change with them.

Step 1
The modern young generation is also called the "YAYAYA" generation. These young people are sure that everything in this world is done for them, most of all they care about their own comfort, benefit, are absolutely convinced of their own value for others. Blogs, twitter, social networks, instagram help in their need for self-expression. It is necessary to immediately make a reservation that we are talking about global trends in the world, and not about each specific child.
Step 2
The development of technology allows these children to describe and photograph every step of their lives, and many of them are quite sure that the world around them is interested in what they eat for breakfast, what they do during the day and where they go in the evening. The name of the generation "YAYAYA" comes from the habit of self-admiration of these young people, who no longer even understand that the rest, in general, for the most part do not care about their experiences and interests.
Step 3
Modern children, unlike their parents and even more so grandmothers and grandfathers, are not used to physical labor, and many do not like and do not know how to work at all. They do not like to take responsibility, make serious decisions, prefer to "go with the flow" and not burden themselves with strong feelings and problems. This generation is surrounded by so much information that it does not seek to comprehend the new, therefore these children are considered the most unintelligent and uncreative generation.
Step 4
But this is the sweetest, most unproblematic and positive generation of all. They do not rebel against the existing system of the world, they treat their parents well, stay to live with them for a long time. They are sure that fame, like big money, is achieved simply and strive to be famous, but rarely realize that it takes a lot of work for this.
Step 5
Why are they like this? Everything is explained quite simply: the whole history of mankind has been going towards this for millennia, and now we have the generation that we, our ancestors and the ancestors of our ancestors created. In the distant centuries BC and about a century up to 18, children in families were often not even considered people. The mortality rate among babies was enormous, medicine against the simplest infections and global epidemics did not help. What else could parents do, how not to perceive the death of their children as something familiar and absolutely natural?
Step 6
In addition, ordinary families had ten or even more children. Paying attention to everyone was a waste of time, it was necessary to get food for such a large family. It turned out that until a person grew up to the age of marriage, or at least did not start earning bread for himself and other children, he meant an extra mouth and hassle for his parents. In these times, different peoples got rid of children, they were drilled, they tried to accustom them to order by physical punishment and violence, and gave them to work at an early age.
Step 7
However, over time, humanity has matured, and in the literal sense: the average age of nations has increased. The number of children in families became less and less, but people learned to live to a more advanced age. Now it has become easier for the family to survive, the level of medicine has allowed most babies to survive after the first year of life. And the value of the child in the family has increased. Parents could now pay more attention to their offspring and take better care of them.
Step 8
After the world wars of the 20th century, the value of human life, and especially the life of a child, increased many times over. The world has practically lost two healthy generations of young people. Since then, the laws and conventions on the rights of the child have paved the way for today's generation. Now it is forbidden to punish a child physically, he is taken care of by the state and his parents, it is strictly forbidden to harm children with alcohol, tobacco, and immoral products. From early childhood, children are surrounded by care and understanding of what their parents need, teachers are respectful to them, the whole society is obliged to respect the rights of the child.
Step 9
In such conditions, there is nothing to be surprised at that children grow up dependent and fixated on themselves. And the task of educating a full-fledged personality falls largely on the shoulders of parents.