What Values have Changed Recently

What Values have Changed Recently
What Values have Changed Recently

In a relatively short time since the collapse of the USSR (December 1991), cardinal changes have taken place in the life of Russian society. They were extremely large-scale, and often very painful, especially during the so-called "crazy nineties".

What values have changed recently
What values have changed recently

What values are most important for the majority of Russian citizens

As a result of the collapse of the USSR, some people have formed new views, the value system has radically changed. Likewise, many Russians have taken a fresh look at the value system in recent years, especially due to the crisis surrounding the events in Ukraine.

All people are different, therefore, the whole society does not and cannot have a single, standard system of values. Nevertheless, the results of sociological surveys conducted among various groups of the population allow us to draw certain conclusions.

Most of the Russians surveyed consider good health, well-being in family life, material security, achieving success, and the opportunity to make a career as the most significant life values. Very important, albeit less significant, values for some citizens of Russia are: personal safety, as well as the safety of relatives and friends, a healthy state of the environment, the possibility of free movement around the world, free communication and discussion of any topics (including on the Internet) …

What values have changed recently

Until recently, some Russians held a high opinion of the Western way of life, considering it a role model. Many young citizens of Russia (high school students, students) dreamed of living in the USA, Canada or one of the countries of Western Europe. However, due to the events taking place in Ukraine and the reaction of the West to them, the mood of the majority of Russians has radically changed. Belief in the so-called "Western values" - freedom of speech, independence of the press, human rights, etc. turned out to be badly undermined.

In addition, Russians have experienced a surge of patriotism due to the return of Crimea to Russia, as well as due to Russia's firm position on the world stage, not inferior to Western pressure. If, relatively recently, patriotism was not among the priorities of Russian citizens, especially young people, now it has firmly taken its place among the most important basic values.

Compared to the crazy nineties, the cult of money, success at any cost, a "strong personality" who achieves the intended goal, even using unworthy means, has significantly decreased. In addition, the polls carried out show that the institution of civil marriage has become less popular. People, although they still recognize his right to exist, consider formal marriage more preferable.
