Anal Sex As A Way Out For Girls Who Have Recently Given Birth

Anal Sex As A Way Out For Girls Who Have Recently Given Birth
Anal Sex As A Way Out For Girls Who Have Recently Given Birth

Modern women, being pregnant, attend special courses, which allows giving birth easily and without pain. The absence of household difficulties, electrical appliances - all this simplifies the life of a young mother, and already 2-3 weeks after giving birth, a woman feels well, sexual desire appears. Vaginal sex for 1, 5-2 months is prohibited and couples resort to alternative types of sex, including anal. You can engage in anal sex after childbirth, but not always and not for everyone.

Anal sex as a way out for girls who have recently given birth
Anal sex as a way out for girls who have recently given birth

In the case when the birth was normal or operative, that is, there are no vaginal ruptures, no sutures on the perineum and cervix, the woman's body recovers quite quickly. But postpartum bleeding lasts about 1, 5 months, about the same time is required for the cervical canal of the cervix to close, and the uterus itself shrinks to its previous size. Vaginal sex at this time, even with a condom, is excluded. But anal stimulation can diversify the meager sex life of the postpartum period.

For women who have not practiced this type of sexual activity before, as well as in the last 4-6 months, anal sex will bring more pain than pleasure. But if during pregnancy there were no exacerbations of hemorrhoids, there are no pulling pains in the lower abdomen, then you can resort to anal stimulation with your fingers or buy small-diameter toys in an adult store. A diameter of 2 cm is considered optimal for those who are just starting to get acquainted with anal sex. The structure of the anus differs from the structure of the vagina: a dense muscular wall, the presence of sphincters and a large number of nerve endings will allow you to get an orgasm even with the minimum diameter of a toy for anal stimulation. Orgasm, by the way, promotes better uterine contraction.

If you plan to do an enema, then have anal sex after 40-50 minutes. after her. With a normal bowel movement, you just need to go to the toilet.

The partner should avoid sudden movements, refrain from deep insertion of the penis into the anus, even if you insist on more active sex. It is important to use a condom and lubricants, in this case, anal sex will be safe and not unpleasant. The choice of position remains with the woman, but the knee-elbow position should be avoided, since in this position the natural curves of the rectum will not allow the woman to enjoy. The optimal position is lying on your back, your legs can be bent at the knees or slightly raised. If you are ashamed of the unaesthetic appearance of your belly, wear a corset or have sex in a nightgown. The second position in which anal sex is the least traumatic and safe is lying on its side. There are options when the partner stimulates the anus with fingers or a toy, and at this time you are engaged in oral stimulation of his genitals. In the latter case, women who have anal sex for the first time are less shy, since the penis is not inserted into the anus.

Adult products can be ordered anonymously or picked up at a one-stop shipping point to avoid awkward situations.

You can not engage in anal sex with exacerbation of hemorrhoids, if there are cracks in the rectum, during childbirth, stitches were applied to the perineum. Women who suffer from constipation or diarrhea in the postpartum period should also not practice anal stimulation. If you really feel good and have a pronounced libido, but you need the permission of specialists, see your doctor.
