What Names Should Not Be Called A Boy

What Names Should Not Be Called A Boy
What Names Should Not Be Called A Boy

The most important event in the life of many families is associated with the birth of a son, who will become the successor of the family and bearer of the father's surname. Since ancient times, it is especially important to choose the right name for newborn boys, because the baby was to grow into a brave and dexterous man, able to protect his own family. The name for the baby is the first gift from loving parents, which will help form both positive personality traits and will predetermine the fate of the baby.

Happy baby
Happy baby

Parents should remember, first of all, that a randomly chosen name for a baby can negatively affect his fate, character and relationships with others. It is worth understanding the issue of the correct selection of a name in more detail, and how it is not recommended to call boys.

Before applying their own imagination and creativity of thinking, parents should think about the future fatherhood of the boy, whose name will become the middle name. Therefore, in the future, the name should form a harmonious, beautiful and easy-to-pronounce patronymic.

"Complicated" patronymics are formed from names unusual for the Slavs, like Robert, Abdurakhman, when historically they should not be the basis for patronymics. At the same time, some familiar names, such as Savely, Rostislav or Vsevolod, are also quite difficult to pronounce as a middle name.

Female-male names for boys and their consonance with the surname

A feminine-masculine name given to a baby at birth can blur the line of a baby's gender. Typical names such as Sasha, Zhenya, Valya (Valentin) should be combined with the existing surname, which will predetermine the masculinity of the chosen name. For example, the combination of the first and last name Sasha Bely or Valya Petrov will leave no doubt that a man will appear before you.

A different picture, in the form of a misunderstanding, may arise with an incorrect combination of a female-male name with a non-declining surname. Such combinations, for example, Sasha Katz, Zhenya Mitchell, do not express the gender of the person. With typical combinations of first name and last name, boys from childhood often feel embarrassed, and when they get married, they choose a more harmonious last name of their spouse.

Nicknames and name ambiguity

A growing baby will hear his own name dozens of times every day. The sound of a name has an effect on the brain and affects the mental state of a person: for someone, one name can act as an irritant, while others can calm and give peace. People with strange names are often notorious, not to mention the nicknames that kids give to each other as children.

In any very close-knit and friendly team in which the boy will study and be raised, it is quite possible that nicknames appear, especially if his own name disposes of this. Parents should make sure in advance that there are no ambiguous or negative meanings in the name they like with diminutive variants.

Numerology and temperament of the name

Since ancient times, they thought less about choosing a name. The babies were named after the names of the saints according to the name day. Previously, the choice was not very rich, so later they began to introduce numerology to the selection of names for boys, which helped to calculate the beneficial influence of a name that promotes a personality throughout life.

It is recommended to choose a name for a boy, regarding the consonance of a name with a patronymic and a surname, also from the month of birth of the baby. February and December children are rather restless and stubborn, especially Dmitrievichi, Olegovichi and Igorevichi. It is worth choosing a name for the boy that softens the temperament: Sergey, Andrey, Mikhail.

March boys are sensitive, vulnerable and squeamish, so it's worth taking a closer look at the names: Igor, Dmitry. Konstantin. Summer boys can be called Olegs, Stanislavs or Edwards. Neutral names for boys include: Arkady, Roman, Pavel.
