How To Stay In Peace With Someone Who Didn't Invite You To A Party

How To Stay In Peace With Someone Who Didn't Invite You To A Party
How To Stay In Peace With Someone Who Didn't Invite You To A Party

With the approaching holiday date in the life of our friend comes the anticipation of how we will have fun at the celebration. After all, we are sure that we will definitely be invited. How much we can be upset when this date is already approaching, and no one has invited us. The disappointment can be exacerbated by the fact that other guests have already received an invitation. In this case, feelings of disappointment can be replaced by feelings of resentment and anger. But the main thing is not to get excited! What to think about and what to be sure of?


First, be sure to make sure you haven't really been invited. To do this, you need to check all your e-mails, accounts on social networks (especially on pages that you have not visited for a long time) and all SMS messages on your mobile phone (especially if there are several of them). Maybe your friend wanted to be original this time and decided to invite you in a non-standard way. Online invitations are especially popular now, because it is very convenient, original and not trivial. For example, one of the services where you can find such an online invitation is the service Perhaps your friend used it to invite you.

Second, ponder an interesting thought. Could it be that a friend did not invite you, because he considers you to be so close that there is simply no need for this (after all, we do not invite those with whom we live in the same house to the wedding - they will be there anyway). To check this, you can simply call a friend and find out how things are progressing in preparing for the holiday, where it will be held, etc. This call can put everything in its place.

Thirdly: maybe your friend is just checking if you have forgotten about an important date for him? Perhaps at the very last moment, he will call you and scold you in a friendly way, and then invite you. To find out, in one of your conversations with him, just briefly mention this date. Then it will immediately become clear that you have not forgotten about it and there will be no point in checking you, which means that you will receive an invitation.

Fourth: analyze your relationship. Have you recently had a fight? Or maybe you have offended your friend in some way? Or were your opinions very different and painful? Perhaps a friend is very offended and cannot step over himself by inviting you. Or maybe he deliberately takes revenge. Anyway, if you remember something, be sure to contact a friend and sincerely apologize to him, assuring him of your friendship. It is not a fact that after that you will be immediately invited, but you will maintain a relationship with a friend. And a real friend does not hide resentment for too long, which means that you will be at his celebration.

But even if you have taken all the steps above and found out that you were not intentionally invited, do not rush to delete a friend from your life. Act like a real friend yourself. Try not to harbor a grudge and invite a friend to the next event in your life. This can impress him greatly.

One way or another, when our best friend did not invite us to a holiday, the first feeling is a feeling of resentment. But remember, true friendships take years to grow and build. And if she is real, then she will withstand individual grievances and they will not destroy her.
