How To Stay At A Party

How To Stay At A Party
How To Stay At A Party

Table of contents:


You stayed too long at a party, and for various reasons, you really do not want to leave. There are some pretty peaceful ways to try to extend your visit if you want to continue your acquaintance and not irritate the hosts.

How to stay at a party
How to stay at a party


Step 1

If this is your first time in this house, do not start your visit with the phrase: “Yes, not a bad apartment. I would like to live here forever. Hosts may misunderstand your joke, if only because they see you for the first time or have recently known you. Your visit may end before it has begun.

Step 2

If you are visiting old friends, you can honestly and openly admit to them that you just do not want to go home. It is likely that your friends will not refuse you a lodging for the night.

Step 3

If you came to a girl (young man) for a cup of coffee and really sit and drink coffee (cocoa, tea), then try to drag out the conversation as much as possible, before it is too late to send you out.

Step 4

If you are a girl, ask the young man to accompany you, dress for a long time, slowly go down the stairs, and not by the elevator, and with the same leisurely pace walk to the public transport stop. It is likely that by that time all transport will already have a tenth dream, and you will return back.

Step 5

If you are a young man, try to keep the girl talking so that she herself will not want to let you go. If she loves computer games, invite her to fight, and at the same time constantly lose. Ask the girl to give you a chance to win back, but lose anyway. After all, it will be too late to let you go alone through the unsafe night streets. Do not forget in the process of computer battles about the eloquence of views and touches.

Step 6

If you came to the company, then try to become irreplaceable, become its center. If the host (hostess) lets the rest of the guests go, then he (she) will want to talk to you longer, most likely in a less noisy environment.

Step 7

You can pre-order a walk around the evening city in a limousine or on a river tram, and then, in order to share your impressions, stay on a visit.

Step 8

To remain under the pretext that you have no money for a taxi at such a late hour is at least unwise. The owners may have the money, and the pretext is too transparent. The same goes for a sudden heart attack or spike in blood pressure. If the owners call an ambulance, then you really will look pale.

Step 9

Don't drink too much at a booze party. Even if you stay at a party because of your lack of transportability, the next day you will be ashamed of your behavior the day before.
