How To Help A Friend

How To Help A Friend
How To Help A Friend

Helping a friend improve her personal life is a good thing. However, do not go too far and over-impose advice. It is better to let her make important decisions on her own, so that later she will not be responsible for them.

How to help a friend
How to help a friend

New acquaintances

A friend is a person with whom you want to share your impressions and experiences, to discuss the "piquant" moments of your life. Friendship is a relationship in which one must not only take, but also give in return. It happens that unforeseen circumstances happen in the personal lives of loved ones, and they expect support and understanding from us. You can help a friend not only with advice, but also with deed. An excellent option would be to invite her to take a walk in crowded places where you can make new useful contacts. This could be a popular cafe, movie theater, or disco. If a friend is shy, you need to push her to the first step, help her open up to the world around her. The best way to abstract from problems is to have a good time with a new company, to participate in the discussion of new films, clips, etc. The main thing is not to remind your friend of recent failures, because life is multifaceted, show your loved one the brightest sides, and sadness will recede.

Expanding a friend's circle of friends, it is very important to try to introduce her only to reliable people so that they do not become the cause of the next mental anguish.

Verbal support

In a difficult period of her life, a friend should feel continuous support from the outside, she should not be denied frequent meetings and many hours of phone calls. It is very important to express your opinion about the current situation, paying attention not only to the friend's pluses, but also to her minuses. Perhaps she herself is to blame for the fact that her personal life cannot work out in any way. It is necessary to point out the mistakes of a friend as tactfully as possible so as not to face resentment and misunderstanding. It is important that she be sure that no one blames her, but only tries to help. All conversations should converge on finding a way out of this situation, on solving the problem, and not aggravating it.

To get your friend out of depression, you can please her with an unusual surprise. A bright postcard or a nice trinket is perfect for this.

Independent view from the outside

Taking an active part in the life of loved ones, whose personal relationships do not work out, the main thing is not to go too far. It is best to take the position of an outside observer who does not impose his opinion. Life is changeable, perhaps in a few days the friend will make peace with her chosen one, and the counselor will remain extreme. There is no need to shoulder too much, a person himself must make fateful decisions and be responsible for them.
