At the birth of the second child, the state pays the same benefits as at the birth of the first child. This is, firstly, the maternity allowance, the size of which from the current year is equal to the average earnings for the last 2 years; a lump sum at the birth of a child (from January 1, 2011 it is 11703 rubles 13 kopecks.) and maternity capital, which is paid only at the birth of a second or subsequent children.

Step 1
Maternity capital is the state's compensation for families with 2 or more children. It is issued to a woman (citizen of the Russian Federation) who had a second child after 01/01/07. You can use the family capital even after the birth of the third and subsequent babies, but only once. In this case, it does not matter whether the woman is the blood mother of the second child or has adopted him. But a certificate for maternity capital will not be issued if she is a stepmother of adopted children. Also, the child for whom this benefit is received must be a citizen of the Russian Federation. A man can also apply for family capital if he alone is an adoptive parent of a second and subsequent child. In case of deprivation of the parental rights of a woman or her death, all maternity capital rights are transferred to the father, regardless of his citizenship.
Step 2
To obtain a certificate, it is necessary with a passport and a birth or adoption certificate (for all children) to apply to the territorial body of the FIU at the place of residence and fill out an application. All data in it must be filled in correctly and correctly. Do not hide a criminal record, if any, otherwise it may lead to punishment for attempted fraud. If you cannot come to the FIU, you can send a letter with a package of documents by mail or transfer them through a trusted person.
Step 3
An application for obtaining family capital is considered for about a month, after which you receive a notification from the FIU with a decision to issue or refuse a certificate. You need to obtain a certificate from your FIU branch.