Statistics show that every second marriage in Russia falls apart, so the likelihood that this will happen to you is very high. If the husband left the family, this does not mean at all that he was the initiator of the breakup. It is likely that your behavior prompted him to take this step. If there has not yet been a divorce, then there is hope for reconciliation.

Step 1
Think about why this happened. An analysis of the reasons that led to the departure of your husband from home will help you correct what happened or draw conclusions and try not to make these mistakes again. Sometimes you yourself, with your behavior and words, could provoke his departure. Think about whether he found peace and comfort after returning home from work. Perhaps he was met by an eternally irritated and capricious wife, who could not even prepare food for his arrival. Having married, a man has the right to expect love, affection and a desire to take care of you from your side. If he does not receive this, then such a way of life ceases to suit him.
Step 2
Try to assess yourself objectively as a wife. Don't just blame the man. If you have no complaints about how you performed your part of the duties, then the reason for the breakup could be that you simply washed down your husband and with constant nagging just forced him to leave. Men also need to be brought up like children. Often, due to their employment and psychology, they do not notice those little things, because of which any woman can be very upset. Instead of calmly talking to him and explaining your displeasure, you threw tantrums that simply caused your husband to misunderstand and he ran away from you, slamming the door.
Step 3
If all this was exactly so, then we can please you - nothing is lost yet. Spontaneous withdrawal means that he, loving you, is tired of constantly being in a state of confrontation with you. He saw no other way to end her. It's not easy to feel always wrong and doubt that you love him. If he still hopes that you are ready for dialogue and admitting your own mistakes, he will definitely agree to meet with you and discuss the current situation.
Step 4
In the event that you love him and want to keep, then prepare well for this meeting. In no case should she pass in the same tone as all your previous quarrels. You should not present your accusations and claims to him - he has heard them many times already. Just tell him about your love and awareness of the mistakes that you have made. Try to agree that there should be no resentment and omissions between you, you should discuss together what does not suit you in each other and in your life together. Make concessions to each other - this is a manifestation of love and a confirmation of the desire to start all over again.