Why Are Men In No Hurry To Get Married?

Why Are Men In No Hurry To Get Married?
Why Are Men In No Hurry To Get Married?

The average age at marriage has increased significantly in recent decades. Men are in no hurry to get married even if they have been dating or even live with a girl for a long time. This refusal to officially register relations can be explained by a number of reasons.

Why are men in no hurry to get married?
Why are men in no hurry to get married?

Modern men are increasingly postponing marriage, in no hurry to start a family. At the same time, they are almost always sure that they are doing everything right. Psychologists have identified several factors that have shaped the tendency towards late marriage or outright refusal to marry.


Modern society in many ways contributes to the fact that people want to experience only pleasure in life, and prefer to shift responsibility to someone else. Men often become infantile under the influence of improper upbringing, parental overprotection. Sometimes women themselves make their partners so, working on an equal basis with them and striving to keep everything under personal control, to take on extra responsibility.


Infantile men do not want to get married because they remain "big children." They do not want to take care of someone, because they are used to thinking only of themselves. They can only marry the one who wants to become a "mother" in a relationship.

Didn't meet your love

Often, men who have not been able to build a family explain the disorder by the fact that they did not meet a worthy girl, did not find the one with whom they would like to live their whole life. This situation can arise for a number of reasons. For some representatives of the stronger sex, the image of an ideal woman is formed at a young age or even in childhood. Meeting different women on their way, they understand that they do not live up to the ideal. This position sooner or later leads to loneliness. It is important to understand in time that ideal people do not exist and you will still have to come to terms with some traits of a partner's character, accept them. You just need to clearly define the boundaries for yourself.


If a man has been dating a girl for a long time, but is in no hurry to marry, most likely he does not love his chosen one or strongly doubts his feelings. Men are not devoid of romance and they want to connect life with the one they love. In this case, a relationship without marriage can persist for a long time. The man will ponder the situation, sort out his feelings, and the woman will patiently wait for the marriage proposal. Unfortunately, more often than not, relationships end when a truly beloved girl appears on the horizon.

Afraid of change

Some men are in no hurry to get married because they are very much afraid of change. They are scared to try new things. Some people have a misconception about marriage. Relatives, older friends talked about how life changes dramatically after going to the registry office. There is some truth in this, but it is important to understand that there are always some changes in life and the refusal to rise to the next step due to fear slows down development.

See no point in getting married

Many men do not see any point in getting married, so they do not propose to their beloved. It often happens that people live together for many years, they even have children, but they never reach the registry office.


Men do not want to take responsibility, change something, because they get everything anyway. In the so-called civil marriage, everything suits them. Previously, such a situation was difficult to imagine. If the man caring for the girl did not propose after a few months, he was refused further visits to the house. Nowadays, everything has changed, but girls who want to get married should think about it. To wait for the cherished words from your chosen one, you should not immediately agree to all of his conditions.

Bad experience

A bad experience in a relationship can permanently discourage the desire to marry. Divorced men are often unable to improve their personal life later, if they have suffered psychological trauma in the past, a cruel lesson. It seems to them that all women are the same, that nothing good will come of it anyway. In this case, difficult work on yourself is necessary, but it is better to immediately contact a psychologist.


Bad experiences of parents, close friends, relatives can also become an obstacle on the way to finding happiness. It is important for a man to understand that everyone has their own life and does not need to try on other people's problems in advance.

Low self-esteem

Another reason why men are in no hurry to get married is low self-esteem and self-doubt. Few people are ready to admit this, but many are afraid of being rejected, they feel insufficiently provided for, beautiful. Often, men are in no hurry to start a family, because they have nothing to offer their wife, no home of their own, and there is no confidence that they will be able to provide for the family. This decision deserves respect. If there is an opportunity to first improve your financial situation, achieve something, and only then start a family, it is better to do so, but in each case the decision must be taken carefully and deliberately.
