Unfortunately, not every guy has excessive discernment and the ability to intuitively feel that a girl is against further communication and the development of a relationship. If the offer to go on a date does not cause you positive emotions, the boyfriend must correctly and correctly refuse.

Step 1
Don't avoid talking to your guy. Problems must be solved, not avoided. Show your respect for the boy. Talk to him frankly. It is better to do this not by phone, but in private. A person must see your emotions live, so that he is convinced of your honesty and sincerity. Because very often girls, with numerous refusals, try to warm up interest in their person.
Step 2
Calmly explain to the young man that you will not accept his invitation. Needless to say, you already have a lover who, if something happens, will put the careless admirer in his place. Say that your heart is already occupied by another person, and these feelings are mutual. These words are able to cool the hottest interest of the young man.
Step 3
Refuse so as not to sow a shadow of doubt in the soul of your boyfriend. If you somehow show uncertainty about the correctness of your action, the guy will immediately feel it and regard it as a good sign, a kind of flirting or game. Don't give him a reason to doubt your true desires. Forget about feelings of pity and do not give in to his requests.
Step 4
If your ex-husband or boyfriend asks you out on a date, but you are not going to go back in time, tell him directly. Explain that you are not ready to repeat your mistakes and do not believe in the revival of faded feelings, as well as the restoration of former trust. Say that you are living a new life and are quite happy with it. Emphasize that you don't feel anything for him. Chances are, your ex-lover still has feelings for you, otherwise he would not be trying to restore your relationship. Therefore, hearing from you refusal will be offensive and painful for him. Not if you are loved, and you cannot reciprocate to a person, you should not sacrifice yourself and "step on the old rake."
Step 5
Do not express your antipathy too openly, do not push the guy away or insult him. Refusing a date does not have to imply the end of all relationships. Save them at the previous level. By tactfully refusing your boyfriend, you will keep the person's trust and will not fall in his eyes.