Not all men have excessive insight and are able to intuitively feel that a girl does not want to continue communicating and getting closer. If a man who is not interesting to you for one reason or another persistently invites you on a date, he needs to make it clear that you should not count on something.

Step 1
Challenge the guy for a frank conversation. It is advisable that this conversation took place in private and not by telephone or correspondence - let the person see your emotions so that he does not have doubts about your honesty, otherwise he may think that you are just adding to your worth. In a calm tone, respectfully explain to the young man that you are declining his invitation. Do not try to drag your boyfriend into the conversation, if you have one, threaten that you will complain and ask to get even with your admirer. The words that you love and are loved will cool the hottest love ardor.
Step 2
Your refusal should not leave a shadow of doubt in the soul of your boyfriend. If you hesitate or make it clear that you doubt the fidelity of your act, the man will immediately feel it. He may decide that you are playing with him or flirting in such an unusual way, and deploy a much larger operation to conquer your conquest at best, at worst - just get angry. Don't give him any reason to doubt that you really don't want to go out with him, and don't give in to pleas if a man tries to pity you.
Step 3
If your ex-boyfriend or husband calls you out, and you don't want to stir up the past, tell him about it directly and without embellishment. Explain that you do not believe that you can step into the same water twice and restore old trust, revive faded feelings. Say that you managed to build a new life and forget what you felt about him. Of course, the ex-lover will be a little offended (and maybe quite strongly), because he just returned, which means, at least, his feelings for you are alive. You should not step on the old rake just because you are loved, if there are no reciprocal feelings.