Men often cheat on their spouses, and in order to stop this, a woman needs to understand the reasons why her lover is looking for entertainment on the side.

Step 1
The first reason for male infidelity, oddly enough, lies in social status. If, according to the status, a man is supposed to have not only a wife, but also a mistress, a representative of the stronger sex may not abandon such a tradition, but become like his colleagues. In addition, the guy may be under pressure from his boss. Sometimes situations occur when a woman seduces a man and begins to blackmail him, presenting evidence of adultery. Because of this, someone else's husband is forced to enter into a regular intimate relationship with the blackmailer. If you are faced with a similar case, do not blame the stronger sex. Maybe he really was under psychological pressure.
Step 2
The second reason for adultery and male betrayal is the lack of feelings for his lawful wife. Over time, passion disappears, and relationships begin to build only on mutual respect and habit. If a husband gets himself a mistress as a result of marital indifference, his behavior cannot be considered treason, since, in fact, he does not have a real relationship.
Step 3
Also, a man can start cheating on his soul mate after the appearance of a child in the family. The woman gradually changes her behavior, begins to cool down towards her husband. She gets tired of fulfilling her parenting responsibilities, and because of this, she has nervous breakdowns. They lead to scandals and quarrels between lovers, as a result, a man can simply seek solace with another representative of the fairer sex.
Step 4
The fourth and most common reason husbands cheat on their wives is new love. Maybe the husband would like to remain faithful to his soul mate, but he is unable to cope with his feelings. Most likely, soon such marital betrayal will lead to separation and destruction of the family.
Step 5
Another reason for male infidelity lies in the low assessment of the qualities of the stronger sex by his wife. The husband feels useless, his self-esteem falls, so at the expense of other girls he begins to assert himself, amusing himself with more victories.
Step 6
Some women cheat on their husbands for revenge for their carelessness or behavior. Men decide to cheat in such a situation a little less often, but still, such a reason for infidelity cannot be ruled out either. In addition, such revenge may not be directed at a specific woman. It's just that once upon a time this guy was abandoned by his beloved, so he became embittered by the entire female sex.