Why Do They Leave Mistresses

Why Do They Leave Mistresses
Why Do They Leave Mistresses

The position of a mistress is often unenviable, especially when it comes to a woman who is trying to take her husband out of the family. Of course, after parting with a man, it can be too difficult to return a relationship, but if separation is not yet discussed, it is worth taking into account other people's mistakes and trying not to repeat them.

Why do they leave mistresses
Why do they leave mistresses

Why can a man leave his mistress

High demands of a woman, her whims, as well as "wrong" behavior with others can cause a man to run away without looking back. If a lover demands to spend too much time with her, constantly forces her to buy expensive things and make gifts, is capricious, even the most ardent admirer can quickly cool down.

It is especially unpleasant when a woman shows feelings in front of everyone, does a lot of stupid things when communicating with friends of her lover. This is very important if the relationship is to be kept secret.

One of the reasons for the breakup can be a loss of interest on the part of a man. Over time, the first hobby passes, and a person may understand that his mistress is by no means as good as it seemed at first. The problem often lies in boring, unpleasant sex, lack of common interests.

They also abandon mistresses who prefer to meet with several partners at once. The more frivolous a woman's behavior is, the higher the risk that she will be known as being too approachable. Even if a man is not in love, and he cannot be called an owner, he may simply be afraid that he will receive some kind of disease "as a reward".

Why mistresses are abandoned for their wives

Situations are much more common when men leave their mistresses, not wanting to leave their spouse. Alas, girls who are covetous with married do not want to understand this until they face such a situation themselves.

Even if a man says that he does not love his wife and stays with her only for the sake of children, because of her health, financial problems, etc., this is most likely nothing more than just excuses. He lies to you, just as he lies to his mistress.

The most common mistress mistake leading to a breakup is trying to deliver an ultimatum. A woman demands that a man go to her from his wife or even children, forbids communicating with them, insists on a divorce. Often mistresses do this, who sincerely believe that they will win in this situation. Faced with such pressure, the man runs back to a comfortable house with a well-established life and never returns.

Finally, even if a man has gone to his mistress for a while, he can leave her forever for a strange, but no less popular reason - because she cannot replace his wife. Any whims, not good enough or just an unusually well-adjusted life are serious problems for a man who wants to have fun with his mistress, but not "rub in" her.
