Most wives who find out that their husband has a mistress are taken by surprise by this news. After all, it seemed that the spouse would always be faithful! But, as practice shows, they leave not to someone, but from someone.

Step 1
Some newly-made wives, within a few months after the wedding, stop taking care of their appearance. Become sloppy, dull, lazy. Many people think that after the wedding, it is not necessary to use cosmetics at all. They motivate this by the fact that the one who is needed has already got it, that her husband loves so much, that the spouse should be happy with everything anyway. At the same time, they forget that their faithful married another girl - sexy, neat, cheerful and attractive.
Step 2
The above situation can be exacerbated by the fact that the spouse has gained a lot of weight after the wedding or after pregnancy. And she doesn't want to make any effort to become slim and attractive again. The overweight wife may no longer be sexually attractive, and husbands begin to look for a replacement on the side.
Step 3
Another reason why they go to their mistresses is sex. Often, before the wedding of a young couple, it was bright, intense, with experiments and changing poses. After marriage, sex becomes a dull "spousal". A man can be shy and find it difficult to ask his woman for oral sex. After the wedding, the wife ceases to indulge men's fantasies. And men begin to look for women in a more emotional way.
Step 4
Newlyweds, not accustomed to independent life, after the wedding begin to quarrel over household and financial problems. The husband reproaches his wife that she should take care of all the housework. The wife "nags" her husband for not earning enough. If in such quarrels the spouse wins, and the husband is silent, then perhaps he will soon become disappointed in his soul mate and begin to look for a replacement for her.
Step 5
To prevent a terrible situation or return an already departed husband from his mistress, take action. Take care of your appearance: start dressing up, do your makeup, lose weight to look as attractive in your husband's eyes as before. Have a confidential conversation with your man about what he lacks in sex. Try to fulfill his sexual fantasies, unless, of course, they are harmful to health and do not go beyond your ideas about morality. As a wise woman, create a peaceful and cozy atmosphere in your home that your man won't want to leave.