A certain number of women who find out about their husband's betrayal do not understand how this could have happened. Why is a rival, not always young and beautiful, better than their legitimate wives who spent the best years of their lives on ungrateful men? Why yesterday loving husbands collect their things and silently disappear from the ruined family life?

Reason for treason
Before marriage, almost all women are beautiful. They are outgoing, well-groomed, flirty, sexy and mysterious. A man sees in front of him a gift in a beautiful wrapper, which he intends to slowly unfold for the rest of his life. However, after the wedding, the beauty gradually turns … even if not into a monster, but not into Miss Universe either - untidy home clothes, hair curlers, makeup unwashed in the evening, worn-out shoes and laziness appear to take care of themselves. It seems that there are no children yet, and you eat in restaurants, but she has already firmly settled on the couch with a fashion magazine and talks on the phone for hours.
Most often this is justified by the fact that, having received a prince, women convince themselves that their legitimate husband will not go anywhere.
In turn, some married women stop wearing makeup and wearing beautiful clothes, which can attract other men. As a result, their husbands do not receive a competitive incentive - the rest of the stronger sex does not respond to their wives, which means that these women have lost their natural sexual significance. This state of affairs greatly reduces the self-esteem of men who want to own the most beautiful woman in the world so that everyone is jealous. Thus, they have to get themselves a mistress who will restore their high self-esteem both in life and in bed.
What to do and how to continue to live if the husband wants another woman
So, if you find out about the existence of a rival, do not rush to scratch out your husband's eyes with insults and reproaches. First of all, take care of your appearance - lose weight, buy new clothes, get a stylish haircut, highlight your dignity with makeup and a dazzling smile. The man will be alert - do not react. Try to distance yourself from him, limiting yourself to traditional everyday communication.
Spend evenings with your friends, but do not flirt so as not to make unnecessary connections with other men.
Be sure to read books on the topic of sex - learn different techniques, become more relaxed and passionate. Very often, men miss the tigress in bed, so they go to look for her on the side. Having seduced your husband a second time and having managed to consolidate this result, you will securely keep him near you, and no lover can take away from you what is rightfully yours.
Finally, don't nag the man. Angry at him? Arrange an Italian dish-whipping scandal, but at the same time look beautiful, not vulgar. This art can be learned from many movie stars (for example, from the great Sophia Loren). And never throw tantrums - men also have nerves and are often much weaker than the female nervous system.