Why Women Cheat On Their Husbands

Why Women Cheat On Their Husbands
Why Women Cheat On Their Husbands

Why men cheat on their wives is known to everyone, or almost everyone. Most men are by nature polygamous and simply prone to adultery. But why do women cheat?

Why women cheat on their husbands
Why women cheat on their husbands

Little is said about female infidelity, because nature laid down that a woman is the mother of the family and the keeper of the hearth. But even among the fair sex there are infidels. In most cases, marriages break up after the discovery of the fact of infidelity, and it does not occur to anyone that often men themselves push a woman to commit adultery.

It is considered the most common cause of female adultery. With the passage of the years spent in marriage, feelings weaken, there is a natural distance. A woman who does not receive due attention begins to feel abandoned, unnecessary, unattractive. In the end, to prove otherwise, the woman throws herself into the arms of another man.

Of course, it is not always the fault of the stronger sex, often a woman, having married, ceases to take care of herself and becomes less attractive to her spouse.

According to statistics, about 70% of men cheat on their wives, only some manage to do it quietly for several years, while others are immediately declassified. Some wives enter into intimate relationships with another man in order to take revenge, wanting to prove their worth and attractiveness.

At the beginning of a nascent relationship, all women experience a feeling of love and euphoria, over time these feelings come to naught, spouses learn to understand each other perfectly. In search of new sensations and emotions, women can also take the path of infidelity.

One of the common reasons for female infidelity. Lack or lack of sex can be due to several factors:

- unsuitable conditions. This is usually the case for couples living in small apartments with children or relatives. In such conditions, there is no place for long foreplay and quality sex.

- health problems or sexual incompatibility. Due to poor health or prolonged stress, a man may have no sex drive or physical ability to make love, which pushes temperamental women into the arms of another partner.

- Sexual incompatibility is observed when one of the partners cannot relax and loosen up in bed, and in order to get pleasure, one of the spouses goes to the side.

Falling in love and attraction to a new partner are also common. It happens that, having lived one or several decades in marriage, a woman meets him, the only and beloved one, and goes all out.

No one is immune from treason, but not every man agrees to put up with this fact. Standing on a slippery slope, a woman should remember that if the fact of infidelity is discovered, then the marriage is likely to fall apart.
