Due to different temperaments, it is definitely impossible to consider shyness as a bad or good quality. It is important to understand whether it is a congenital or acquired character trait.

Zest or flaw?
If shyness is a component of temperament, for example, melancholic or phlegmatic, and does not prevent a person from being happy and self-confident, you should not fight its manifestations. At the very least, one should not attach too much importance to innate modesty and focus on it. In this case, shyness can even be a unique feature, a "highlight" of the personality.
If a person has acquired shyness as a result of improper upbringing, this can be considered a disadvantage. And with excessive modesty in this case, it is necessary to fight through overcoming complexes.
How to deal with shyness
If shyness is an innate quality, you should not harshly criticize the child for this, you should not try to overcome this character trait in him, since later such behavior of the parents results in the formation of a complex of self-doubt. If you do not pay much attention to shyness and do not consider it a disadvantage, over time it can transform into caution, but without consequences for the psyche.
A child's modesty is often more uncomfortable for parents than for himself. It does not interfere with full development. It seems to parents that the baby is lost against the background of more sociable children and that they do not pay attention to him. The child himself can be quite comfortable in this state of affairs. There is no need to try to force the baby to be talkative and to elicit something from him, if he does not really want to do it in an unfamiliar environment.
At the same time, it is necessary to develop independence and the manifestation of initiative so that the child is not afraid, for example, to make a request or make a purchase. You can play games with a baby, simulating different life situations, thereby forming a comfortable environment so that he can relax and behave naturally. During the school period, teachers should be warned not to focus on the modesty of the child, but to try to involve him in general events and praise him for his academic success, rather than scolding him and not considering him quiet.
Shyness is a feature of the character of a person, and others make it a disadvantage, who form a complex of uncertainty with their attitude. Modest people have good qualities, such as respect for the opinions of others, the ability to listen to others. If shyness does not go beyond all boundaries, and a person can behave normally in public places, perform actions necessary for life, then this quality will be more of a highlight than a disadvantage.