It is painful, insulting and unpleasant to face betrayal and betrayal of the closest and dearest person - your own husband. A woman plunges into depression, experiences fear of loneliness, delves into the reasons for what happened, thinks over plans for revenge on her mistress and husband, thereby reminding herself of what happened and causing even more suffering and pain. In this situation, the choice of behavior with the wrong spouse is not a priority. It is much more important for a woman to regain spiritual harmony, to love life in all its manifestations, to break out of depression and love herself.

Step 1
After the husband's betrayal, the first thing to do is to calm down. Later, when the pain subsides, you can begin to talk about the reasons for his behavior, about his own shortcomings or miscalculations. For a start, it is better to leave home for at least a couple of days to visit a friend or parents in order to put your thoughts in order. Such a forced termination of communication will benefit the wife and husband. However, if the family has children, this should not be done. The child does not need to worry about the problems of adults. For the same reasons, you should not arrange tantrums and scandals, which still will not solve anything.
Step 2
Next, it is worth getting out of depression, into which a woman probably drives herself. You don't need to see yourself as a victim, you don't need to constantly remind yourself of negative experiences. If you want to cry, scream, destroy everything that comes your way, you can afford it, but only alone. Negative emotions must have a way out. You can turn on your favorite music or melodrama, cry, be sad. When you want to fight sadness, you can turn on something more fun or indulge yourself with culinary masterpieces. Sleep is an excellent aid in the fight against depression. Some may find it helpful to read books, take a relaxing bath, or other personal tranquility.
Step 3
Exercise can also help fight depression. It is advisable to start the morning of each new day with exercises, you can arrange morning jogging or cycling, sign up for dances or buy a gym membership. If the anger still hasn't gone away, you can even take a few boxing lessons. Active exercises will get rid of emotional distress and help keep the body in shape.
Step 4
Having calmed down a little and having agreed with yourself not to go to extremes, you can chat with a good friend or sister. It all depends on the degree of a woman's trust in loved ones. If there is no person who is ready to listen and keep everything a secret, it is better to turn to a specialist - a psychologist. If the desire to throw out your emotions and problems on an outsider does not arise, you can do even easier: write down your feelings and thoughts, keep a diary for some time. This will allow you to look at the situation from the outside.
Step 5
To increase self-esteem, deceived wives can change their hairstyle, choose a new wardrobe, buy another pair of stiletto heels or a fur coat. It all depends on financial capabilities and mood. For some, it is enough to purchase a chic set of lingerie to feel desirable, beautiful and unique again.
Step 6
After the first emotions have subsided, you can think about your future life with or without your husband. If a person is worthy, if love for her husband has not yet faded away, if there is an opportunity to leave everything in the past and move on, it is important to discuss the current situation with the spouse, without arranging tantrums, share your own emotions, hear his position and awareness of what happened. Even after betrayal, some wives can restore their former respect and trust in their companion. But if it is decided to leave this situation in the past, you should not constantly reproach your spouse and remind how he was guilty.
Step 7
If after all the conversations and discussions it becomes clear that the woman is not able to forgive her spouse, it is better to leave. At the same time, one should not think that children will experience psychological trauma if their parents separate. You can be a bad husband, but a good father. Both parents will be able to communicate with children after the divorce. And the child will be much worse if his mother constantly scandals and swears with his father or cry every night because of mistrust and dislike for him.
Step 8
When all the problems in family relationships are resolved, you can go on vacation and relax after a difficult stage in life. If the spouses stay together, this will allow them to be alone with each other and take a fresh look at this world. If it was decided to disperse, you need to arrange a small adventure for yourself. Already on a trip alone with herself, a woman will be able to understand and accept herself and the current situation, enjoy freedom and return home with new goals and new dreams.