In TV shows and books, betrayal of a loved one is a banal plot. Women's forums are full of topics on how to survive cheating, magazines have considered this topic from all possible angles. But it seems that it will never touch you. Rather, it seemed until a certain moment, but now the betrayal of a loved one happened in your life. What to do?

Try to understand your loved one. Yes, now it seems difficult and stupid, but sometimes there are excuses for the most unambiguous actions. The main thing for you is to distinguish this excuse, alibi, good reason from the man's attempt to powder your brains even more.
Why do men cheat? The beautiful half of humanity has been struggling with these questions for many years, but this does not prevent their loved ones from walking "to the left." It is important to determine the reason why your man cheated on you. Was he drunk, or was spending time with other girls part of his lifestyle? Of course, for the latter reason, true love is out of the question. A man can be unfaithful by nature. This is his essence, character trait - not being able to remain faithful to one woman. Whether you are satisfied with this is up to you.
Only a confidential conversation will help to find out the reason for the betrayal of your loved one. By the way, the scandal does not fit into the concept of "confidential conversation". You will quarrel later.
Understand if you can live with it. What was the betrayal? A long love affair or one incident? Can you accept the man back after that, can you still treat him? For some women, forgiving cheating is common. But if it is difficult for you morally, you should not assume that you have a bad character or developed selfishness. It's just that each person has his own morals and his own structure of the inner world. And if your consciousness requires honesty on the part of your partner, you have the right to leave without reproaching yourself for being too picky. On the contrary, maintaining a relationship after infidelity is not something outstanding, and is not an act of mercy to a man. If you really love him, and your love is mutual, you will not remember this little obstacle in many years. Will your feelings hold up?
Express your resentment. If you decide to keep a couple, don't keep the pain to yourself. Tell the man how much he hurt you, how much his act hurt you. If you really mean a lot to him, this conversation will hurt him. And you also find out exactly what does not suit your man in a relationship. You have changed outwardly, he is annoyed by some of your habit, he does not like the atmosphere in your apartment … The reason may be the stupidest one, but because of regular irritation, she pushed her beloved into treason.
Live on. And do not assume that since you have forgiven the betrayal, now a man is obliged to crawl on his knees after you. Everything should look like nothing happened. And do without paranoia. Even if once you caught a loved one red-handed, this is no reason now to always rummage through his things, check messages on the phone and his mail.