A real man is distinguished by strength, and not so much physical as spiritual. Polite, gallant, tactful gentlemen know how to behave like a man, which cannot be said about aggressive rude and brawlers.

Step 1
In fact, every person has his own idea of how a real man should behave. One thing is clear: there should be a balance in behavior, nothing should "stick out" and "stick out" - neither physical strength, nor intelligence. Going to any extremes is not masculine.
Step 2
Be courteous to women. Take care of the well-being of the ladies who are next to you: open doors in front of them, give up seats in public transport. It is extremely ugly to sit with a woman in front of you. Help the fair sex in solving everyday tasks.
Step 3
Do not put all the worries about the house and children on a woman, especially if you see that she is tired. Do not consider it beneath your dignity to wash dishes, put things in order in the apartment, cook food. But if you force your wife to do all this, for example, she has a stomach ache, you will definitely not act like a man.
Step 4
Try to be reasonable and rational. Historically, emotions have become a feminine “privilege”. You should be guided by logic. Do not force your companion to make decisions, take this difficult burden upon yourself.
Step 5
Stay cool and reserved in conflict situations. No man is adorned with rudeness and rudeness, especially in relation to a lady. Do not raise your voice unnecessarily. Naturally, there can be no question of any use of force against a woman. Behaving like a man means protecting and protecting the beautiful half of humanity from all adversity. After all, the continuation of the human race depends on women.
Step 6
Don't forget to give flowers to women and arrange small surprises. Lead a healthy lifestyle yourself and actively promote it. Set an example of worthy male behavior by personal example.