How Not To Nag Your Husband

How Not To Nag Your Husband
How Not To Nag Your Husband

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After several years of living together, when passions have subsided somewhat and everyday life has become a habit, you need to be patient so as not to get frustrated over trifles. Auto-training and frank conversations about pressing problems, which must be resolved in a timely manner, will help not to nag the husband.

How not to nag your husband
How not to nag your husband


Step 1

To understand why you nag your husband and how to avoid it in the future, determine the reason for your discontent. Only not visible - “I came home from work late”, “sitting at the computer for too long”, but the real one - “I don't have enough attention”, “I'm tired of feeling unnecessary”, etc. This is what you should talk about with your loved one. Explain why you are not pleased or offended by one or another of his actions. Tell us how it makes you feel. Ask the man to allocate time so that he has enough for hobbies, work, and communication with you.

Step 2

Very often, men simply do not know what to talk about in the evening. And bury themselves in their favorite TV or newspaper. Do not nag your loved one, start a dialogue. Tell us how you spent your day. If you are not working, share your impressions of the movie you watched. The main thing is to find a common theme, and not sit with your backs to each other, accumulating grievances.

Step 3

Very often, drinking a beloved man, a woman thus hides her low self-esteem. She doesn't like something about herself, but she takes it out on her innocent husband. She tells him “you haven't closed the paste behind you again”, but thinks “how unlucky I am, even the man got worse than everyone else”. In this case, auto-training will help, aimed at combating their own complexes. Pick your best photos and stick them on a Whatman paper. Next, describe all the advantages. Disadvantages, if any, indicate on a separate small sheet. Burn it, repeating to yourself "I have destroyed my complexes, they are no more." Throw the ashes out the window and forget that your nose is not perfectly shaped or that you like to gossip with your girlfriends. Now you are every man's dream. And their most worthy representative has achieved you.

Step 4

Of course, sometimes a woman nags her man for good reason. But if you constantly say the same thing, the words cease to be perceived. The wife's voice becomes a familiar background that is not listened to. To prevent this from happening, ask your loved one to look you in the eyes and clearly, calmly express your claims. Give reasons why you think so. Only such a direct conversation is able to motivate a man to action. And from the constant buzzing over the ear, he will simply brush it off like a boring fly.
