As you know, most men are polygamous. And even if their heart is occupied only by you, they will still look, and sometimes walk "to the left." If this is unpleasant for you, and most likely it is, try influencing your spouse. This can be done in several different ways.

Step 1
The most radical method in this case is to threaten your spouse with divorce. Most likely, this statement will have an immediate effect. True, such an effect cannot often be resorted to. Otherwise, the threat will simply cease to be taken seriously. There is one more flip side of this medal. Suddenly your spouse is so weak on the front end that he will exchange the monotony of family life for absolute freedom of action.
Step 2
Another way to keep a windy husband is to prevent him from fulfilling his plans in all possible ways. This can be done in different ways. The first option is to try to have sex with him as often as possible (on average, 3 times a day). Squeeze all the juices out of him, and then he will definitely not walk "to the left" (since he simply cannot). In this case, do not in any case treat lovemaking as a forced measure or a mandatory procedure. Men see right through and through, and with such your behavior, on the contrary, you will scare off your spouse.
Step 3
If frequent sex is not your plan, arrange romantic weekends for your spouse. Feel free to reincarnate, use goods from a sex shop, try new positions and caresses - in general, do everything so that every time your spouse is amazed at your ingenuity. Over time, he will get so used to sophisticated sex that banal copulations will simply cease to interest him.
Step 4
An alternative option for keeping a man in the family is to overwhelm him with homework. Load him up with chores so that he simply does not have time to go "left". At the same time, in no case tell your spouse phrases like “you must”, “you are obliged”. He must be asked kindly and tenderly - then the man will feel his superiority and your admiration for his talents and will gladly complete all household chores.
Step 5
If you value honesty in a relationship, just talk to your husband and try to figure out the reason for his cheating. Perhaps you yourself will be to blame for his actions, so the sooner you bring him to a frank conversation, the easier it will be for both of you to live on.