The benefits of having sex are not limited to enjoying and having fun. Regular lovemaking brings harmony to the relationship between a guy and a girl, to a marital relationship. People who regularly have sex with the opposite sex feel happier than those who do not receive it.

Step 1
In women, having sex stimulates the production of immunostimulating antibodies that protect her from viral diseases. The released "pleasure hormones", endorphins, help get rid of headaches. Lovemaking restores hormonal balance in the female body, eliminating unnecessary pain during menstruation.
Step 2
Sex is to some extent a substitute for sports for women and men. It has been proven that if you practice sex 3 times a week for 15 minutes, it will allow you to lose up to 2 kg of weight. And one sexual intercourse can replace a full charge. During orgasm, blood pressure and pulse rise sharply, and the heart produces blood more actively. The cardiovascular system is trained, the risk of heart attacks decreases, the aging process slows down. The body is rejuvenated, a person's life is extended.
Step 3
In sexually active people, blood carries oxygen better to muscles and internal organs. When having sex, muscles are trained that, as a rule, are not affected during normal exercise. Blood oxygenates the brain better. And along with the release of the hormones andrenaline and cortisol during orgasm, the reaction rate, memory, and attention improve.
Step 4
Studies by German scientists prove that having sex is good for people suffering from depression. In this case, a special effect is achieved in women. This is explained not only by the pleasure of orgasm, but also by the production of the "happiness hormone" - oxytocin, the "pleasure hormone" - endophin, activation of many centers of the brain.
Step 5
During intercourse in men, testosterone is more actively produced, which enhances the formation of proteins in the body. Protein metabolism is accelerated. If a man is involved in sports, regular sex will help build and maintain muscle mass, and provide higher athletic performance.
Step 6
As already mentioned, sex forces the muscles to actively contract and strain, the cardiovascular system sharply increases its activity. After orgasm, the body is completely relaxed. In combination with the powerful psychological release and physiological action of endorphins, sleep is significantly improved after sex. Therefore, good sex can fully replace sleeping pills and relieve insomnia and other sleep disorders.