Frosty air is very useful for the human body, as it hardens, improves immunity, improves the work of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems. But the younger the child, the more parents are afraid of overcooling their child on a walk.

Step 1
Hypothermia occurs when the body begins to generate much less heat than it loses. Therefore, the first sign of freezing is cold hands. Children's skin, especially in infants, is very delicate, so the baby's body is not able to regulate heat exchange, and prolonged exposure to the cold (even windy weather is enough) can lead not only to hypothermia, but also to frostbite of the skin.
Step 2
If the body temperature continues to drop significantly during hypothermia, it slows down breathing and blood circulation, and lowers blood pressure. Next comes oxygen starvation of the brain, which first manifests itself in the form of drowsiness, then - drowsiness, turning into deep sleep. After that, severe freezing occurs, and the person dies.
Step 3
In case of frostbite, do not try to give your child first aid directly in the cold. When the first signs of hypothermia appear, go immediately to a warm room, preferably home, as there you can do everything necessary to warm the child. Once at home, immediately remove outer clothing and shoes from him, so he will warm up faster. If the child's clothes are wet with sweat, change him, after wiping the skin dry with a towel.
Step 4
There are several ways to quickly warm your body. The most effective of these is considered to be taking a warm bath with a water temperature of 37 to 40 ° C. To make the bathing process interesting for the child, you can throw toys into the bathtub. You can also steam the legs in a bowl of warm water, after mixing the water with one or two tablespoons of dry mustard. After three or four minutes, you can add a small amount of hot water (remember, your baby's feet should not be in the basin at this time). The steaming process should be carried out for 15 or 20 minutes, after which it is necessary to wipe the crumbs of the feet dry and put on warm woolen socks.
Step 5
To warm the child's body, you can use warming ointments, marmot or badger fat. To do this, you need to rub the chest, back, feet with ointment and put the baby in warm clothes, covering it with a blanket. Vodka or alcohol is not suitable as a warming agent for children.
Step 6
It is widely known that any disease can be prevented. Therefore, if the air temperature drops below 25 ° C, you should already refrain from walking with a small child, and if the baby is less than three years old, then at minus 15. If the trip to the street cannot be postponed in any way, do not forget to grease the child's face with goose fat or butter … It is strictly forbidden to use baby cream in such cases, it is more conducive to frostbite.