A problem like stuttering can cause a lot of complexes in your child. When a baby stutters, the rhythm and tempo of speech are disturbed, he repeats individual sounds and syllables several times, he constantly stumbles. There can be many reasons for this, the most common of them are: severe fear, a consequence after an infectious disease, a rude attitude towards a child and frequent quarrels between parents. Help your child get rid of this ailment.

Step 1
Contact a specialist, since a neurologist, psychotherapist and speech therapist should directly participate in the treatment of stuttering in a child. Treatment is reduced to overcoming fears and developing the skills of correct speech, the program consists of two parts: therapeutic and recreational and correctional and educational. As the child's body grows and the nervous system stabilizes, stuttering can go away on its own, spontaneously.
Step 2
Surely your child is familiar with such an instructive fable "The Crow and the Fox", which was written by Krylov. So, this fable has a beneficial effect on stuttering. The child should read this text without pronouncing every word, but stretching out - in a chant. If the baby still does not know how to read, learn this wonderful fable with him and try to sing together. This should be done at least four to seven times a day. Already after a week you will notice improvements, and after a month after daily workouts, you can get rid of stuttering altogether.
Step 3
The medical method of treating stuttering is aimed at taking tranquilizers and anticonvulsants. One of them is "Phenibut", but it is not recommended to use this medication for a long time, as side effects are possible. Use herbal tinctures and soothing decoctions as needed. Motherwort decoction effectively calms the child's nervous system and helps with stuttering.
Step 4
To prevent the efforts of specialists from becoming in vain, parents should help their child get rid of stuttering. It is important that at the same time the child hears only the correct speech at home. Talk to him calmly and evenly, do not rush yourself and do not urge the baby, encourage him for success. If the child goes to school, talk to the teacher, as it is not advisable to call the stutter to the blackboard first and raise his voice to him (the child begins to stutter when he experiences excitement, fear and anxiety).
Step 5
Do the breathing exercise with your child. Inhale slowly through your nose, then purse your lips and leave only a small opening, exhale slowly through your mouth. This exercise is called the candle. The next exercise is the "train". Take a quick breath and on one exhale, say the "p" sound three times in a row. Do ten to fifteen of these exercises several times a day. Only the joint efforts of doctors and parents will help relieve a child from stuttering.