When parents go to work every day, and there is no one to leave the child with, the question of whether to send the child to kindergarten is decided by itself. But when one of the spouses stays at home, especially if it is a mother, then the question becomes relevant.

Indeed, for the most part, every good parent dreams of raising a worthy son or daughter, investing only the best in a child, while society offers upbringing of a dubious quality at the stage when the child's psyche is just being formed. But do not rush to make a choice, especially when it comes to raising children. All the pros and cons should be weighed first.

For the first time, left disconnected from the mother, the child will experience stress. And this cannot be avoided, because the family cannot be replaced even by the most sensitive educators. Many children find it difficult to get used to the regime, especially if at home their parents were always quite liberal and fulfilled all their whims. The inability to be alone and do only what you want will be very frustrating for the child at first. The bad influence of peers is also a clear minus of the kindergarten. But this is inevitable, children's institutions are attended by different children from different families. Even the best kindergarten workers will not be able to keep everything under control. Some children are simply incorrigible in their way of communicating.
Some parents worry about the fact that in kindergarten children often transmit diseases to each other and thus sometimes even epidemics are formed. The child is often sick and this fact cannot be refuted. But at the same time, it can be a plus, because in this way the child acquires immunity.
At the same time, the primary stress of a child entering society for the first time is not so terrible, it will reduce the stress of the child after entering school and help to adapt and adapt to the educational process more quickly.
It is in the kindergarten that the process of primary socialization takes place, which is so necessary for each person. Only a holistic upbringing that includes family care and socialization in a child care center can prepare a child for real life.