Thumb-sucking or nail-biting habits are common to most preschoolers. All these are age-related problems, and you should not worry too much about them. But what should be done if these habits go along with the child?

The child begins to suck his fingers while in the womb, so this habit is a natural phenomenon. The habit of thumb sucking reaches its peak at seven months, and it is possible to fight it with the help of the nipple, that is, give the baby a nipple every time he puts his fingers in his mouth. Gradually, getting older and older, the child will forget about his nipple, but if in life he is used to satisfying all his needs with the help of the nipple, this habit may well persist for a very, very long time. It manifests itself especially strongly when the child is very bored, or when he is very tired.
Why should you get rid of the bad habit of sucking your fingers?
If a child sucks his fingers for a long time, this may well lead to a serious malocclusion, but this threatens in two cases: if he sucks fingers up to four years old and if he does it very often. So, if the baby does not keep his fingers in his mouth all day, you should not make him unnecessary comments on this matter.
But, if a child sucks fingers after 4 years, you should talk to him about this topic. First, you should explain to him: if he does not deny himself this habit, then his teeth will grow outward, just like a horse's. Of course, it must be remembered that if he does not suck his fingers, then his teeth will be strong, correct and healthy.
To help your child break the thumb-sucking habit, you can do it as a good game. For example, if you agree with him that if you notice that the child sucks his thumb, you will make him a remark. Or, if he sucks his finger while watching TV, you will turn him off for half an hour. But warn the child about this.
The habit of constantly biting your nails
This habit is harmless, so you shouldn't pay any attention to its manifestations. But, if you suddenly saw that this habit begins to develop and move on, then you should again make comments to him and cut your nails. Girls can be weaned from this habit by promising them to paint their nails if they stop biting their nails. But you should not make constant remarks to the child or somehow punish the child, because this can only cause stress and alienation of the baby from you.