Cheating on one of your partners can ruin a relationship. However, people do not always part after such a betrayal. Some people forgive mistakes of their soulmates.

Step 1
Try to calm down. If you follow the lead of your emotions, a constructive conversation with your loved one will not work. While you are in a state of shock, it will be difficult for you to make the right decision about whether to forgive cheating.
Step 2
Understand the situation. If you are not so categorical about whether to forgive your partner or partner or not, it is important for you to consider the situation from different positions. As much as it hurts, try to understand what led to the betrayal.
Step 3
Talk to your boyfriend or girlfriend. Give your loved one a chance to explain what happened. Of course, betrayal cannot be fully justified. But maybe a heart-to-heart conversation will help you reconsider your position.
Step 4
Think about what you want. Imagine that your romance is cut short. Will you be able to continue to live without this person? At the same time, it is necessary to consider the opposite option. Imagine if you will be happy with a man or a woman after cheating, if you can truly forgive.
Step 5
Remember that a lot depends on the characteristics of your character and what kind of relationship prevails in your couple. But what is not worth paying attention to in this situation at all is the social foundations and stereotypes prevailing in society. Do not think that the person will definitely cheat on you again, do not be afraid that your friends or relatives will condemn you for being too strict or, on the contrary, spineless. In such cases, everything is individual. Think only about your future and focus solely on your own feelings.
Step 6
Keep in mind that sometimes both partners are to blame for cheating. Analyze your own behavior and think about what mistakes you might have made. Even if you break up with this person, the information received will help you achieve personal happiness with another person in the future.
Step 7
If you are determined to forgive cheating and try to start all over again with your boyfriend or girlfriend, try to really let go of this sin for your loved one. In order for your union to be successful in the future, you need to try to forget about what happened. Even if you don't succeed, in any case do not reproach your soulmate for what happened, so as not to cause guilt.
Step 8
Strengthen your relationship. Focus on the positive they have. Look for new common hobbies, spend more time together. Pay attention to working on mistakes that could lead to the collapse of your union. Do not hush up problems, but discuss them. Be part of the same team with your loved one.