Cheating can inflict severe mental pain on people, but even such an act does not always destroy a relationship and can be forgiven by a loving soulmate.

Step 1
If someone tells you that your loved one has cheated on you, you should not immediately get depressed and end the relationship. First, make sure that the infidelity on the part of your beloved still took place. You cannot unconditionally believe rumors; it is better to rely only on confirmed facts. Talk to your significant other, find out her opinion on this matter. If the betrayal is still confirmed, find out the reasons that prompted such an action. In most cases, betrayal is not an accident. Most likely, in your relationship there were some reservations, resentments or indifference that infidelity could provoke.
Step 2
Give vent to your negative emotions. Cry or speak out. Only it is better not to share such secrets with people in whose loyalty you are not sure, otherwise your secret may become known to outsiders, and this will not lead to anything good. Do not release all the resentment and anger at your loved one. On emotions, you can tell him a lot of unnecessary things, which you will regret later.
Step 3
When the heat of passions and your resentment subside a little, try to understand yourself and see if you can again trust the person who betrayed you. If you are convinced that life will not get better without him, you will have to make up your mind not only for reconciliation, but also for sincere forgiveness.
Step 4
Try to understand that not only the traitor is to blame for what happened between you, but you as well. The easiest way is to end the relationship with the person who betrayed you, but you must find the strength in yourself in order to work on the mistakes. If you spent a little time with your beloved or sweetheart, fix it. Spend romantic evenings together, go for walks. Become attentive and gentle to each other again.
Step 5
People tend to make mistakes. Give your significant other a chance to fix them. Perhaps, over time, he will be able to return the old warmth to the relationship and win your trust. Just remember one thing: if you still agree that you will start all over again, never remind your dear person that he once betrayed you. If at every opportunity you begin to remember his betrayal, sooner or later such quarrels and scandals can lead to a final separation and the rupture of even ordinary friendships.