Women are monogamous by nature, and they can hardly understand the betrayal of a man. This is a deep wound that is not completely healed, and even after 10 years it will respond to them with acute pain. But, experienced women say, and family psychologists agree with them that infidelity is not a reason for parting. Moreover, not a reason for divorce. But how to understand the traitor whom you believed, whom you loved, and he reciprocated you, and then easily and brazenly destroyed all the best between you.

It is necessary
Patience, endurance, love for your man
Step 1
You learned about the betrayal. There is a deaf void in my head. Most importantly, try to think sensibly. Do not hold this shock within you. Of course, you can't tell anyone that. Even the closest friend doesn't want to. Then write all your thoughts on paper. Psychologists say it helps a lot with stress.
Step 2
Unleash your emotions. Holding them back is as harmful as thoughts. This does not mean at all that you have to pounce on your "traitor" with fists. Just let off some steam. A Russian person will always find how to do it.
Step 3
You are now ready for some design decisions. Situations are different. Sometimes a woman has to keep pretending that everything is all right. In any case, you have time to understand yourself and what happened. If you really love a person and do not want to end the relationship, you will have to understand and accept his betrayal. We are all just people with our weaknesses.
Step 4
Try to understand the reasons for your man's betrayal. Perhaps this is your fault too.
Strong love. It happens. I just fell in love from scratch with another girl. And he cannot understand where to go - to her, like a dream, or to you, a safe and quiet haven. Syndrome of habit. Long life together, dullness of all feelings, desire for new sensations.
The classic reason was that I was very drunk and did not think well. You can understand. Try to get drunk yourself. Very loving. And you knew about it from the very beginning. So what did you want from him. Loyalty to the grave?
I did it out of spite to get revenge on you. So there was a reason. He got a mistress, because everyone around him does this. But you have to comply.
Step 5
The main thing that prevents a woman from taking a hit is the wrong upbringing. Many are taught from childhood that physical fidelity is the most important thing in marriage. But sex is just physiology. Here men are very weak. It is much more dangerous if they fall in love with another woman with all their soul.