Some people who get married sincerely believe that they will remain faithful to their “half”. The very concept of "treason" seems to them distant and abstract. But, alas, anything happens in life! And then one day, far from being a fine day, the husband finds out that his wife is cheating on him. Or the spouse becomes aware that the beloved has a mistress. What to do after learning this unpleasant, painful truth?

For example, a wife has convicted her husband of treason. Of course, each specific woman solves this problem in her own way, based on her ideas about the boundaries of what is permissible, upbringing, temperament, habits. An important role is played by the depth of feelings for the unfaithful spouse, the presence of children and their age. But still, there is a certain general algorithm of actions that should be adhered to.
It is clear that a woman is overwhelmed with anger, resentment, anger. This is a completely natural reaction, especially when you consider that the weaker sex is generally more emotional than men. Nevertheless, the wife should pull herself together and ask the main question: does she want to keep the family? If the answer is in the affirmative, it is necessary, after trying such an understandable and natural "accusatory bias", to try to find an answer to another question: why did he change? What prompted him to do this? After all, once the husband did not even want to look at other women! Only she existed for him. It was with her that he fell in love, asked to become his wife. So what is the reason for the betrayal?
It happens that a woman, completely absorbed in household chores, caring for children, ceases to take care of herself. Is it possible to accuse a husband of treason if, instead of the former slender, well-groomed beauty, he sees at home some nondescript aunt in a baggy dressing gown and slippers, without a trace of makeup and charm, every day?
Or such a situation. A woman, even after many years of marriage, treats the intimate side of life precisely as "marital duties." And any attempts by her husband to diversify their relationship, to convince her that intimacy is not limited to one missionary position (moreover, in complete darkness), meets sharply negatively, seeing in this almost debauchery. Is it worth it to be surprised and indignant if the spouse eventually runs out of patience and is pulled to the side?
In such and similar cases, if a woman is ready to admit that her husband's infidelity is also her fault, the best way out is to forgive and reconcile. And at the same time, draw all the necessary conclusions so as not to provoke a repetition of such a situation in the future.
If the deceived wife nevertheless decided to divorce, we must try to do it with dignity, without scandals, hysterics and mutual claims. At least for the sake of children, for whom the divorce of their parents will already be a heavy psychological blow.