Everything was fine in your relationship, but something has changed. These changes are so small that at first you do not attach importance to them, but then they begin to disturb you. And you, suddenly, wonder if your beloved woman has another man. Intuition rarely fails, and if a suspicion has crept in, you need to check it. It is possible to convict a woman of treason not only by obvious signs, but also by changes in her behavior.

Step 1
Think about whether your passion has begun to spend less time with you? If so, find out what caused it. Any secret and mysterious affairs in which she does not want to let you in, as well as "confused testimony" should be alerted. True, it may turn out that the girl is simply preparing a pleasant surprise for you.
Step 2
You can think about a woman's betrayal if she began to take more care of herself. I started to do intricate hairstyles, paint my nails or spend more time in the bathroom, increasing my cosmetic arsenal exponentially. A global update of the wardrobe can also serve as an indirect sign of female infidelity.
Step 3
Mysterious telephone conversations, ICQ correspondence and e-mail, which she carefully conceals, can speak of female infidelity. Of course, this can be due to anything from girlfriends to spy games, but cheating in this case cannot be ruled out.
Step 4
A woman's betrayal can also be calculated by the new habits that she has developed. For example, she often began to screw jokes and words into her speech that she had not used before, or behaves differently in bed. Your friend’s resistance if you offer to meet her from work can also speak of cheating.
Step 5
You can convince a woman of treason if she has become colder towards you. If there are fewer hugs, kisses, tender words, intimacy less often than usual, perhaps the lady is cheating on you. Frequent quarrels without reason speak about this.
Step 6
Female infidelity can be suspected in the event that your girlfriend began to show increased attention to you, to care more than usual. This behavior may indicate that she feels guilty and is trying to atone for her in this way.
Step 7
You can think of a woman's betrayal if she began to bring gifts home often, explaining their origin in a rather confused way, and also if less “cash injections” were required from you than before.
Step 8
You can convince a woman of treason if she began to treat you more indifferently than before. If your passion changes, then it ceases to be embarrassed by your absence, does not care about the appearance and what is happening in your life.
Step 9
If a man's name is often mentioned in conversations, you can suspect that the woman has begun to cheat on you.
Step 10
Of course, you can convict a woman of treason if you find direct evidence of this, for example, correspondence on the phone or on the computer, as well as photographs. Or in your absence, unknown men visit her.