According to each parent, his child is the best, the most worthy, the smartest, and, of course, the most talented. But how to recognize where exactly, in what area the child's abilities are especially outstanding?

Some children already at a very early age begin to demonstrate their talent: someone draws beautiful pictures all day, someone sings opera compositions, someone pretends to be a princess, letting others know that an actress is growing up in the house. And other children do not have any special abilities in early childhood, and by the time they graduate from school, we have an outstanding athlete (artist, musician, etc.).
To understand what your child is striving for, in which area he feels most harmonious, it is worth trying to enroll him in various circles and sections. There is no need to limit the child to any one type of activity, let him try different things and look for his own, what is closer to his liking.
It is necessary to encourage the child if he is interested in this or that activity, but definitely not to press. The child may close or completely turn away from the parents.
Whatever the child is fond of, in whatever area and field of activity he would not show his talent, you should always listen to the child's wishes, support him in any situation and in any of his undertakings. Indeed, it is only in an atmosphere of understanding, friendliness and harmony that truly harmoniously developed children grow up. And, in the end, it is not so important what your child is doing, the main thing is that he is looking for his own path in life, which will bring him a lot of positive emotions.