Each parent is interested in his child's growing up to be successful and talented. To achieve the goal, it is necessary to develop the abilities of children. Fortunately, there are many methods for the development of children's talents, giftedness and abilities.

Step 1
Do not interfere with the child himself to show his interests. Your task is to observe the child. Perhaps you will see in what area his talent manifests itself.
Step 2
Many children's talents are hidden. To find out if your child has such a talent, give him the opportunity to visit different situations. However, lack of interest does not mean that there is no talent.
Step 3
Make time for family activities. New talents can be developed through the creative activity that arises in the process of joint communication.
Step 4
It is important that the child enjoys doing what he loves and does not lose interest. Therefore, you should not put pressure on the child. Do not be too persistent when rewarding for certain achievements.
Step 5
The development of the child's talents is positively influenced by familiarity with the work of the parents. Let him take part in it himself.
Step 6
The development of a child's abilities occurs through the development of various senses. Offer your child to paint more often, sculpt with plasticine, etc. The child should have access to materials with a surface of different textures. This stimulates the development of the perception of sensations.
Step 7
Listen to music together, read, communicate, participate in socially useful activities. This contributes to the harmonious development of the personality.
Step 8
The child should have access to reference books and encyclopedias with information appropriate to his age.
Step 9
Criticism negatively affects the development of the child's abilities. The kid feels constant appreciation, so he is afraid to prove himself. Never criticize your son or daughter.