To be able to forgive betrayal, you need really strong love for a person and the belief that he was wrong, did a serious foolishness and realized this. In any case, the betrayal of a loved one hurts painfully, and sometimes it takes a lot of time to be able to step over it and live with your spouse.

Female infidelity: who is to blame?
Treason happened, what's next? You intend to forgive your wife, but how do you do it? After all, thoughts about this situation arise in your mind over and over again. In addition, your "well-wishers" - neighbors, work colleagues, and even friends and relatives, may accidentally remind you of the fact of treason. The latter may insist that you abandon the traitor of the family hearth. But you should remember that your life is your decisions, and their consequences will be reflected, first of all, on you.
First of all, analyze the situation. Why have you been cheated on? What went wrong in your married life? Is this also your fault? Perhaps you paid too little attention to your spouse? Or did she decide in this way to take revenge on you for something? Each specific situation is individual, and the motives for forgiveness depend on it.
Try to see your family life through the eyes of your spouse. Perhaps you are wondering what she still lacked? Most likely, your attention, warmth, care. Maybe after your wedding, her life was limited only to issues of everyday life, raising children, etc.? Answer yourself honestly to the question: is there a place in your life for romance, relaxation and entertainment, do you show your feelings towards your beloved woman?
Cheating can also happen due to the fact that you too limited the freedom of your wife, were too jealous. Sometimes husbands, by their behavior, involuntarily push the spouse to take the fatal step, because the forbidden fruit is sweet.
If you feel guilty about what happened, it will be easier to forgive your wife. In addition, you need to draw certain conclusions and continue to change your attitude towards your other half, paying more attention to her.
How should a spouse behave after his wife's betrayal?
What if you tried as best you could, please your wife in everything, but she cheated on you anyway? If you see no reason to cheat, ask your wife about them. Discuss the situation in a calm atmosphere, perhaps in your life together, she is not satisfied with something that you did not even know about. Try not to prove her guilt and your innocence - if you sincerely want to forgive someone you love, you need to work together to find a solution to the problem.
Ask your spouse about her future intentions. How does she feel about your opponent? Is she interested in keeping the marriage alive? Let her know that you are in great pain because of her betrayal, but you are ready to forgive the betrayal and try to rebuild your family hearth.
Having decided to forgive the betrayal of your wife, do it once and for all. Do not return to reproaches and resentments, start your family life from scratch. There is no need to restrict the freedom of the wife, establish rules for her behavior in society, etc. At the same time, be sure to let your spouse understand that the next betrayal will be the last in your life together.
Having found out the reasons for what happened and having drawn certain conclusions, try to forget about all this as soon as possible. Remember that no one is immune from mistakes, committed people on earth do not exist.