Sometimes in life it can happen that you have caught your soul mate of infidelity. Of course, this is terrible, and you should break up, but if you do not want to end the relationship, you can always try to forgive your girlfriend and forget about cheating.

Step 1
If you find out about the betrayal of your beloved, but understand that you do not want to let this person out of your life, give her a second chance. All of you are human, and it is common for each of you to be wrong. Find out about the person with whom the girl cheated on you, and think, maybe he seduced her, deceived her, and she is simply too weak of character. Maybe the fairer sex is almost not to blame for succumbing to a fleeting feeling, and this person does not cause her such love as you do.
Step 2
The next step is to admit your guilt. Ask your companion to explain why she did this, most likely, she realized her mistake a long time ago and repented of what she had done. Observe her behavior during the conversation. Your beloved should be overwhelmed by excitement: a trembling voice, tears, sweaty palms. If she sincerely asks for your forgiveness, you can easily try to give her a second chance.
Step 3
Find an excuse for your loved one. Think, why did your girlfriend decide to cheat on you? Maybe it's not her? Some people in this way try to attract the attention of a partner, to make him jealous. Perhaps you do not pay attention to your significant other at all, do not show your feelings to the fullest. Maybe this is what prevented the development of your relationship.
Step 4
If you find it difficult to be around this person, live separately for a while. Offer your partner to rent an apartment for a month or leave yourself. If you don't live together, you may simply stop seeing each other temporarily. During this time, you will have time to put your thoughts in order, think carefully about everything, calm down and make the only correct decision. Change your attitude about what happened. Reassure yourself that the cheating was just physical contact, and it will never happen again. Take this case more lightly: well, it happened, and it happened, most couples go through this, and there is nothing terrible about it.
Step 5
Agree with the girl that for some time you will not argue, swear, sort things out. Live a calm, quiet, measured life. During this time, everything will gradually take shape, life will return to normal, and you will understand whether it is worth continuing the relationship.
Step 6
In no case should you withdraw into yourself, lead a closed lifestyle. Communicate with friends and family, act as if nothing happened. This will help you recover from the shock faster. Chances are, these simple guidelines will help you forgive your girlfriend's cheating. But always be true to your partner yourself, no matter what happens.