Family life does not always go smoothly; small, quickly forgettable quarrels and serious conflicts occur in it, the way out of which is most often divorce. Psychologists assure that there are periods of family crises, conditionally falling on 1, 3, 5, 7 and 14 years of marriage. These crises overtake all married couples, and it depends only on the spouses themselves whether they can overcome them or not.

First year. A married couple has just appeared, they have a lot to learn and discover in each other. The first year of marriage is the year of grinding. It is important here to be able to make concessions in some way for the sake of another and to be ready to change your usual way of life. Only the ability to find a compromise and the willingness to accept your partner as a real one, and not to try to remake him for yourself - will be the key to successfully overcoming the crisis in the first year of marriage.
Third year. The main conflicts arise due to the appearance of a child, as well as new troubles and goals. All the woman's attention is directed to the child, which can oppress the man. He is also expected to increase family income. There may be a break in intimate life. All this and many small everyday troubles lead to a big conflict.
The way out of the crisis will be frank communication between spouses and attempts by parents to take part in raising a child together.
Fifth year. During this period, women usually leave the decree. Most of the problems are related to their willingness and ability to combine the roles of wife, mother and already working woman. For many, this turns out to be a great stress and, if the husband does not provide adequate support, a family conflict arises.
The solution will be increased attention and support from the husband. The willingness of the spouse and other relatives to provide childcare assistance.
Seventh year. The period when marriage becomes boring and routine. Many begin to doubt that they feel anything for their other half. Monotony even penetrates into intimate life, so adultery often happens.
The renewal of your life and avoidance of routine will save the day.
Fourteenth year. After so many years of marriage, people completely get used to each other. But this period often coincides with a midlife crisis. In addition, during this time, children may enter a transitional adolescence. All this can lead to a huge family conflict.
The way out will be understanding the current situation and searching for a compromise. The main thing here is to remember all the good things that happened during fourteen years of marriage and the desire to preserve what we have now.