There are quarrels in any family. They cannot be avoided. But sometimes these fights become catastrophic. They appear from scratch every now and then. And these are no longer just quarrels, but whole scandals with loud screams and smashing dishes. And children become witnesses. Their fragile psyche suffers in the first place. But it is worth showing a drop of attention and patience to each other, and there will be no desire to swear.

Step 1
First of all, pay attention to the reasons for your family scandals. Sometimes they arise from mere trifles: discarded socks or an uncleaned plate. Is it worth it to spoil the mood of yourself and your loved ones because of this? Maybe it's easier to pick up these socks and wash this plate yourself?
Step 2
Don't ruin your bad mood on your husband. It happens that your nerves are "tied up" at work or in the store, and you come home and take out your anger at your family. This cannot be done. Remember, family are your closest people. It hurts when they are wronged for no reason.
Step 3
Before you accuse your husband of anything, count to a hundred "in your mind". This will give you a moment to think about whether it is worth dropping these accusations at all.
Step 4
Tell your spouse what you want from him. Try to argue your claims logically. Don't scream. Remember, screaming and negative emotions are the enemies of your good relationship.
Step 5
Let the "other half" also speak. Most likely, your husband also has complaints about you. Again, don't start shouting to defend yourself. Just take note and adopt what he asks you to do.
Step 6
During an argument, do not start remembering past grievances. Otherwise, your family turmoil will begin to grow like a snowball.
Step 7
Do not involve children in scandals. Toddlers shouldn't have to side with either parent. For them, mom and dad are equally beloved people. Any of your quarrels is a blow to the child's psyche.
Step 8
Come up with little secrets to help your family prevent scandals. For example, start a piggy bank. Let the one who first began to sort things out throws coins at it. Or come up with a word - password. After hearing this word, you must stop fighting.
Step 9
Take it as a rule: if you already had a fight, you should definitely make up before going to bed. Don't leave the grudge the next day. And in general, night is the best time for reconciliation.
Step 10
And remember, reconciliation is, of course, good. But it's better to prevent a quarrel than to waste your time trying to sort out the relationship with the person you love and value.