In every couple, sooner or later, disagreements occur. If all problems are not resolved in time, then misunderstandings will develop into a quarrel. Not every relationship can handle frequent fights.

Step 1
If your boyfriend is dear to you, then you need to learn how to prioritize. Provided that you need this particular person, you need to accept him for who he is. Each of us has disadvantages. If you are confident in your feelings, then the flaws of your other half will not cause a fight.
Step 2
As a last resort, immediately find out all the nuances. Communication in the form of dialogue is always more effective than mutual accusations. When identifying problems, immediately suggest options for solving them. Discuss them. Be sure to find a compromise that works for both of you.
Step 3
If necessary, establish certain rules that you will adhere to. Don't break them to avoid conflicts.
Step 4
Study each other's habits. Understand that changing habits is very difficult. You should not break the established character, because you fell in love with a person just like that. If you value your relationship, then you will probably meet each other halfway in some moments.
Step 5
Don't get bogged down with each other. Everyone is in a bad mood. Learn to let go of negative emotions without jeopardizing your loved one’s mental balance. As a relaxing event, arrange a romantic evening, listen to your favorite music.
Step 6
A good way to understand your boyfriend's motivations is to put yourself in his shoes. Imagine that he feels what he wants. You are different, which means that your opinions may not coincide. It is very important to want to understand each other, then many problems will be solved by themselves.
Step 7
Do not try to influence the guy with tantrums. You are unlikely to achieve your goal, and ruin the relationship. Not a single man can withstand constant tantrums. Learn to express your desires in other, calmer ways. Motivate your requests using logical language.