It is no secret that in modern society, a very large number of families break up in the first three years. But you should not make drastic decisions right away if there is a crack in the relationship. Try to make contact, because you loved each other. Maybe the relationship can still be saved and it is worth fighting for your family.

Step 1
Many young families are faced with the fact that some time after the wedding, suddenly there is some kind of coldness in the relationship, irritability and fatigue appear. You suddenly saw your soul mate from the other side. Romance disappears. You are bored with everyday problems. What is happening and how to return the past?
Step 2
Learn to talk to each other, do not withdraw into yourself. But you should not arrange hysterics either. Arrange for an evening that you need to chat about the future and rethink your relationship with marriage.
Step 3
Do not start a conversation with reproaches and insults. Better to prepare and create a romantic environment. Keep in mind that in family relationships, you need to maintain your husband's interest in yourself: prepare surprises for him, keep a mystery in yourself, take care of your appearance and not wear a bathrobe and slippers.
Step 4
The saw woman will infuriate the most patient man. Therefore, keep the relationship light. Don't take too much on yourself, let the man be strong.
Step 5
Do not become isolated in everyday life. If all your evenings and weekends are the same, at home, in front of the TV, then your spouse will probably get bored quickly. Buy theater or movie tickets and let him know. Please him with unexpected gifts, then the man will want to please you.
Step 6
Learn to support your loved one in all his endeavors. Praise and say that you believe him, that he is the best. Raise his self-esteem. Any man will need such a woman.
Step 7
Stay alone, do not forget about the importance of intimate life. Avoid the mundane in everything.
Step 8
Pamper him with unusual and delicious dishes.
Step 9
Remember to learn to be both a wife and a lover and a friend at the same time. This will help you build and maintain family relationships for a long time.