Man is unique and unrepeatable, the same can be said about any couple. There are no and cannot be universal recipes suitable for everyone for a happy, harmonious relationship between a man and a woman. What seems quite reasonable and natural to one couple may seem strange to another couple, and the third is simply shocking.

Step 1
Don't overwhelm your partner, even if you are absolutely sure that you are right. No wonder they say: "Marriage is the art of compromise." Listen patiently to his arguments, and try to convincingly and clearly explain why your solution to the problem is more profitable. Accordingly, give in to your partner if you yourself feel and understand that he is better versed in this or that issue.
Step 2
Remember that everyone needs personal space. Here's a paradox: when communicating with strangers, they usually do not allow themselves even a small share of that familiarity (on the verge of arrogance), which is considered quite appropriate when communicating with a loved one. For example, read an SMS addressed to him without asking. But tactlessness has never adorned anyone. If you really love a person - if you please respect his feelings and rights.
Step 3
Do not forget that men and women, due to fundamental differences in physiology and psychology, react differently to the same thing! Which does not at all indicate callousness, indifference, lack of love, etc. If a man reacted very restrainedly to the news that deprived the woman of peace and made her shed rivers of tears, he is not at all an insensitive brute! In the same way, a woman is not a faint-hearted hysteric! It's just that they are arranged differently. Without understanding this simple fact, you can not even dream of harmony in a relationship.
Step 4
Acknowledge your partner's right to hobbies, even if they seem strange and meaningless to you. For some reason, many women are very annoyed by fishing, to which the husband does not choose so often. But a husband can be annoyed in the same way (if not more) by a woman's needlework: he sits, you know, for hours in a corner, counting loops or wielding a needle, and does not react to anything! However, he somehow puts up with her hobby.
Step 5
Accept it for truth: as long as the hobbies of a husband or wife do not begin to cause real, tangible damage to the family budget, they should be treated with respect. After all, can a loved one have small weaknesses?
Step 6
A very important rule: be able to stop in time! Any couple, even the most loving one, sometimes quarrels. Nobody is immune from this. But do not get personal, do not mention relatives on both sides. Then it will be much more difficult to make up.