How To Learn Colors With Your Child

How To Learn Colors With Your Child
How To Learn Colors With Your Child

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From the first days of his life, the child learns to distinguish colors, at first only the brightest. It is no coincidence that red or bright yellow toys appear over his bed, which parents shift from the center to the right and then to the left. The baby does not yet know how to play, but a bright object attracts his attention. He follows him with his eyes, and soon reaches out with his pens. Purposeful work on the study of color begins from the year when the child can already manipulate objects and understand the speech of an adult.

How to learn colors with your child
How to learn colors with your child

It is necessary

  • - Pyramids with colored rings;
  • - paired toys of the same color (doll and bow);
  • - unpaired toys of different colors;
  • - gouache of primary colors.


Step 1

Collect several toys in the primary colors in the baby bucket. Taking the toys out of the bucket with the child, put them on the table according to the color scheme: red tomato, yellow banana, green cucumber, blue eggplant, white egg and dark chocolate. Then put the toys back in the bucket. At the same time, name the color of objects every time you pick it up.

Step 2

Ask your child to get a yellow banana out of the bucket. If the child cannot cope with the task on his own, ask leading questions and find the right object together. Reinforce the child's knowledge with praise, encouragement, allow yourself to experience joy, because the child wants to please you by his actions. He does not yet have a desire for self-development.

Step 3

Invite your child to assemble the pyramid by stringing rings of the same size and color onto the rod. Having mastered this action with the child, complicate the task: offer to string rings in a certain color sequence. In this case, the sample should be in front of his eyes, or the adult accompanies the child's actions with the words: "First take the yellow ring, now the red one, etc.", achieving the correct implementation.

Step 4

Sew simple, one-color clothes for the dolls and separately bows of the same color. For the ability to recognize objects of the same color, the color of clothing can be: red and pink; yellow and orange; blue and purple. Invite your child to decorate the doll with a bow of the same color as the clothes. "What kind of bow would go with a red dress?" The doll refuses to take the bow if the color is wrong.

Step 5

Prepare a painting gouache and have your child draw or color the picture using only one color. Such classes can be carried out daily, changing the color and plot of the picture: a yellow sun is drawn on a blue sheet; on green - dandelions in the meadow; green tree in a snow-white forest or white snowman on a dark sheet of paper.

Step 6

Mix two types of paint in the presence of a child, show how other colors are formed. Children like such "miracles" very much, but limit their actions to manipulation with only two colors, otherwise the miracle may not appear. Name what new color has appeared if the child is not familiar with it. Draw something to anchor the name of the color.

Step 7

Show the child's crafts and drawings to relatives, inviting him to name or show the color you named. Emotional appreciation of loved ones will help solidify color learning.
