How To Help Your Child Learn

How To Help Your Child Learn
How To Help Your Child Learn

Many parents, when sending a child to school, cannot choose the tactics of controlling him. Some begin to gradually and firmly instill in their child that lessons are purely a student's business, while others go to the other extreme - they do not leave the child. To actually help your child with lessons, you need to stick to the middle ground.

How to help your child learn
How to help your child learn

We organize the space

It is very important for a student where and how he does his homework. For the correct organization of the space at home, you need: conditions, attributes, environment. Conditions - we provide the child with such a workplace so that he would like to be there even just like that. In this case, you should avoid places with a tape recorder and / or TV.

Attributes - At the beginning of the year, the teacher usually gives a list of necessary things. This list should be taken seriously. A common situation: the teacher will forgive for the next lesson to bring a protractor or thread, and you have an old wooden ruler from your grandfather and a rusty needle at home. And all this is revealed late at night, when the shops are already closed. As a result, the child will come to the lesson unprepared. It is also recommended to revise the home library and, if necessary, update it with the latest editions.

Wednesday - an atmosphere should be created in the house so that the child sees that all skill and knowledge are held in high esteem. If the parents have a different opinion, then the child will not be drawn to follow the lessons.

We organize time

Teach your child to plan not only the day, but also the work week. Bulky work, even if it is light, should be done in advance. Try to teach your child to do this. After all, you must agree that you can draw a picture or paint a contour map in your free time. As for the written lessons, here the opinions of psychologists differ: some believe that first you need to do easy subjects, and then move on to subjects that are more difficult; others believe that you need to start with puzzling tasks, then proceed to easier tasks. But here you should focus on the child himself and act as it is more convenient and easier for him.

We organize the child

When checking a child's homework, when errors are found, there is no need to point out what he did wrong. It is better to approach this from the other side, saying that he made several mistakes. You should also ask him to find them. Hints are allowed if the student is completely confused.

At first, it is better to control how the child does his homework, especially if the child is in elementary school. You don't need to run to the kitchen to cook dinner, it is better to sit next to your child, and then you can not only help when he makes a mistake, but also make friends with him even closer.

Help your child, especially in those subjects that are not given to him. If you cannot teach yourself, seek the help of a tutor if possible. It is very important to teach your child not to cheat from others, not to use ready-made homework.
