There are cases when a married couple insistently wants a girl to be born to them. They resort to using all kinds of methods during conception in order to get the desired result.

Sperm determines gender
The reunification of the sperm with the egg is necessary for the conception of a child. Men make different kinds of sperm. Some of them are X type, others - U. The gender of the child will depend on the type. A girl will be born if the egg meets sperm-X, otherwise a boy will be born. Sperm cells also differ in their properties. Type X is characterized by: low speed of movement, long lifespan, small amount. Type Y has opposite properties.
If a married couple definitely wants a girl, then they should start calculating the day of ovulation. Since sperm-X are long-lived, unprotected intercourse must occur three days before ovulation. By the time there will be no sperm left, and a girl will be conceived.
Ovulation day
A woman should keep a calendar and mark in it the days of the onset and end of menstruation. This information is useful for calculating the day of ovulation. It usually occurs on the 14th day of the cycle. Unprotected intercourse can be performed on days 9, 10, 11. Better to use the missionary position. During orgasm, the man should lean back and enter the woman not very deeply. You should resort to petting as little as possible, since during arousal, a woman releases fluid, a reaction occurs that promotes the reunification of the egg with the sperm responsible for the boy. If a couple wants to conceive a child, then no lubricants should be used. On the 12th, 13th, 14th, 15th, 16th day of the cycle, it is better to give up sex altogether. Otherwise, use condoms.
It is also necessary to remember that before the ninth day of the menstrual cycle, it is necessary to have sex as often as possible in order to reduce the sperm count. The desire to conceive a child of a particular gender is good for family relationships. Frequent and varied sex, a common goal, a dialogue between a man and a woman - all this strengthens the family.
Proper nutrition
To conceive a girl, you need to start eating properly in a month. Include more foods containing magnesium and calcium in your diet. These are milk, cheese, beans, nuts, cereals. Acid douching can help conceive a girl. This method is not the safest, so it is better to consult your doctor before using it.
In any case, one should not be upset if the result is not what was needed. Children are a gift from life, and you need to love them regardless of gender.